Tied in a Bow July 2016 | Page 29

What is Ambition?

By Kimber Dawn

What is Ambition?

What is ambition? At an early age I was taught that it is a desire to succeed. The Webster Dictionary proclaims it’s “ an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction such as power, fame, or wealth and the willingness to strive for its attainment”. Another definition states “ a strong desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work”. While this last definition speaks to me, it is not a complete interpretation. While pursuing my goals, endeavors, and dreams my definition of ambition has changed many times.

No doubt ambition is determination and hard work. For me it is ultimately headed toward being happy and at peace. No longer am I ambitious about power, fame, or arriving at a certain “mental checkpoint” I have made for myself. My endeavors are still very important to me and I work hard to achieve them, my method is just different now. Three important mantras keep me on this wondrous winding road of life and success.

The first belief I hold very dear and is often the hardest to maintain is “ don't let the opinions of others stop you”. To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Stay at home in your mind. Don’t recite other people’s opinions.” People will have their viewpoint about the details of your life. Don't live by the good or bad opinions of others. Stay true to yourself. If you are happy in your journey, keep on. This is often easier said than done, especially since the opinions of loved ones matter greatly.

My second theory I want to share is “do not do it because it hasn't been done”. Do not let fear of something new keep you from developing into the person you were intended to be. Best stated by Herman Melville, “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” Great and honorable feats have often been a first for a society or a civilization. If your ambitions lead you to be a pioneer of sorts, go for it. Normalcy is not in my vocabulary and limits creative and social development in our society. Pursue in a limitless way!!

“Enjoy the now” is my final introspection, dearest of all. In your striving, be present. Take in everything the universe has to offer. Enjoy today- tomorrow will come. The past is gone along with any triumphs or failures. We have the now to live. Don't let your focus keep you from life’s great lessons. Don't place every thought/idea/goal on one heightened or idolized future moment or occurrence. People who live this way are often disappointed when their expectations do not materialize. Your journey needs to be meaningful.

Henry David Thoreau stated “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor “. This statement is very dear to me and has been posted in my home for some time!

Daily I venture to achieve a career related or personal goal. I am not ambitious for notoriety sake but for happiness sake. We cannot and will never be able to predict what will come our way. So if we are happy, we often find our goals and dreams fall into place.

Unambiguously stated…….When you reach a goal make it have meaning! Be ambitious to live, to find happiness and joy in the now!