Thunder Roads LA MS July | Page 34




Handling your sidearm is like handling your vehicle . If you are negligent or arrogant : a severe cost could result . On the range you could see stove-pipe jams , a wide shot pattern on target , and experience having to take more time reacquiring between shots . In a gunfight these errors could very well get you killed . One training factor is how you grip the handgun . For semi-automatic handguns , I recommend the Combat Grip . This grip is also referred to as the Leatham-Enos Grip , in case you want to do more research , and it ’ s also commonly referred to as the “ thumbs forward ” grip .

The Leatham-Enos grip provides the best for recoil control . A high grip in the beavertail , with the firing hand , controls rearward felt recoil and muzzle flip . The support hand assists in controlling muzzle flip and puts a clamping pressure towards the interior of the handgun itself . The easiest way to describe this is to think of it as a four-way intersection where all roads lead to the center . I couple this grip with an Isosceles or Fighting stance ( between Isosceles and Weaver ) to keep the handgun in direct alignment with the center of my frame .
For the thumbs : always forward and always high along the top of the frame . Most people will find that their DA / SA and striker handguns are similarly laid out . Assuming you ’ re right handed , your right thumb should reach the bolt catch without overextending and your left thumb should sit on or under the takedown lever . Those who run a 1911 will notice their controls are slightly more rearward , behind where your fingertips lay . A slight difference in the SIGs and Glocks that I run is the takedown lever . On the SIGs , they are pronounced levers as opposed to the slim , recessed “ levers ” on the Glocks .
I can best describe the Leatham-Enos grip as a clasping grip – from the four directions . Older grip techniques like the Teacup and the Thumbs- Down , taken from revolvers , do not offer the same amount of drivability on semi-automatics . If you use those methods on a semi-automatic , you ’ ve probably had to reposition your hands after four to five rounds downrange . If that ’ s happened and you haven ’ t tried the Leatham-Enos , then do so . Practice it dry before heading to the range . You can couple the practice with the Trigger Reset Drill and , equally , both techniques will tighten up your shot groups over time .
Practicing the grip while dry-firing is used to find where a lack of comfortability may be . Some report issues in the support wrist from the forward cant required for proper thumb placement . The cant can be equivalent to nearly 15-degrees of angle . There is an inward clasp of the grip , but the cant provides forward resistance against recoil . While not advised by all , I lock the supporting wrist and the entire firing arm as it is centered to my frame . There are several physiological arguments against locking one or the other , and even both , as presented by far more experienced shooter than I . But , you will adapt the grip for the best recoil compensation suited to you . It might be less wrist cant or a lack of elbow-lock because of a heftier body size . If you wish to read the extended version of this article , then visit : www . thearmednovelist . com . Questions or comments ? Email thisistheline3 @ gmail . com .
LEFT X - Supporting thumb placement . Y - Base of supporting palm placement .
RIGHT The support hand fills the remaining opening on the grip .
16 Thunder Roads Magazine Louisiana / Mississippi | July 2018 | www . thunderroadslams . com