Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine Volume 10 - Issue 12 | Page 33

News Bytes MOTORCYCLE “ROAD GUARDS” TO PATROL MINNESOTA ROADWAYS Certified motorcyclists known as “road guards” are hitting Minnesota roads as of August 4th, and they’ll be able to stop and control traffic for large motorcycle group rides throughout the state. The new state law requires road guards to: · Successfully complete a driving record review and a training course to receive a motorcycle road guard certificate. · Meet safety and equipment standards outlined in the law. · Only act as a flagger for group rides with 20 motorcycles or more. · Notify each statutory or home rule charter city through which the ride is traveling. · Receive consent from the chief of police of city of the first class through which the ride is traveling. Drivers stopped by a certified road guard must obey the flagger’s instructions and stay stopped until they are given the “all clear” signal from a flagger or police officer. Road guards are not allowed to hold traffic for longer than 10 minutes. U.S. STATES WITH THE WORST ROADS U.S.Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx is fed up with Congress’ inaction to pass a long-term transportation funding measure, and in a July 9 blog post, Secretary Foxx once again called out Congress for their lack of action, followed by statistics of American roads and bridges by state. Altogether, 65% of roads in the United States are in “less-than-good” condition, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. These are the 10 states with the worst roads: 10. Oregon, 9. New Jersey, 8. Washington, 7. California, 6. Rhode Island, 5. Colorado, 4. Oklahoma, 3. Wisconsin, 2. Connecticut, and coming in at #1 is Illinois with 73% of their roads in poor/ mediocre condition. RINGS LIMITED IN CALIFORNIA The following was distributed via social media within ABATE of California and the Confederations of Clubs from Pastor Tom, who writes; “Family, this is the penal code being used to harass and arrest Bikers who wear rings on all of their fingers. It has been s uggested that we only wear 3 rings on each hand, maximum.” 4 RINGS Apply to this, 3 is max… California Penal Code section 21810 defines metal knuckles as: “...any device or instrument made wholly or partially of metal which is worn for purposes of offense or defense in or on the hand and which either protects the wearer’s hand while striking a blow or increases the force of impact from the blow or injury to the individual receiving the blow. The metal contained in the device may help support the hand or fist, provide a shield to protect it, or consist of projections or studs which would contact the individual receiving a blow.” THAI STUDENTS PROTEST BAN ON MOTORBIKES College students in Thailand are protesting having to walk to class. According to the Bangkok Post, about 1,000 students from Naresuan University in Phitsanulok province recently gathered in front of the president’s office to protest a “green university” project that prohibits them from using motorbikes on campus. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.” ~ U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Parker, Chief Prosecutor for the U.S. at the Nurnberg Trials September 2015 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 31