THRIVING Melanin Family Magazine September 2018 | Page 24

1. Keep the lines of communication open. Engage in weekly pre-determined phone calls to discuss classes, social interactions, campus activities and the environment 2. Respect their privacy but encourage openness. Allow them the sense in knowing that as an adult, they can come to you (the parent) with adult issues 3. Provide or ensure proper medical coverage. If your employee benefits allows for your child to remain on your coverage until age 24, do it. If there is no extended medical coverage plan, assist your child in obtaining low cost prepaid insurance through an independent carrier 4. Be involved with campus projects. Just as with the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) college campuses offer organizations for parental involvement. Find out what they are and become a part of them. 5. Know and understand campus resources. 6. Follow your instincts. If at any time you notice a change in behavior or speech from your child, they are withdrawn and engage in negative self-talk, ACT ON IT!! Back to School is a time of new experiences with old friends, first time adventures, and the retention of knowledge that you have yet to learn how to use, but eventually one day will. As parents, let us help to ensure the success of Back to School for all of our students. Let’s not ever let the “undeniable need to be a parent” fade. Sources: Kirr, Michael (2017). Depression & College Students; web access 8/10/18 NIMH (National Institute on Mental Health).com. Suicide Neally, Michelle (2007). Addressing Anxiety, Depression and Suicide Among HBCU Students. Diverse web access 8/10/18 Michele "Mikki" Jones Michele “Mikki” Jones is a best-selling author and motivational speaker. Michele owns Michele’s Visual Imagination and moderates an online Facebook group Living with Lupus 365. Michele is author of The Poetry of My Life, Lupus 365-A Journey Thru Life (Journal) and Gathering the Pieces and a co-author in the Amazon #1 Best Selling – Unchain My Legacy. Michele "Mikk i" Jones Michele has four adult children and nine grandchildren. Learn more about Michele and the work she does at SEPTEMBER 2018 • THRIVE | 22