THRIVING Melanin Family Magazine April 2017: Spring into Your THRIVE! | Page 14

Spring into the NEW YOU as you THRIVE to be the best you can be !!

by Dr . Angelic Muhammad PhD candidate , MS , MRT , CPLC , Eli-MPv
As spring is now upon us , it is time for new air . New air to breathe in and new air to create the NEW YOU . It ’ s easy to get off track in life because of the many ways we get pulled . Mothers wear many different hats ; doctor , teacher , mentor , coach , role model , maid , chauffeur etc ... We give all of ourselves as the world sometimes beats us down but we get up , shake it off and jump right back at it again . We do not take the time to rejuvenate ourselves because we are so busy taking care of everyone else . We feel ashamed to ask for help because we don ’ t want to feel weak . We don ’ t want people to think we can ’ t take care of business when deep down inside we are crying and dying like the fox in the hole , peeping out looking for a reaching hand . When the hand is extended to us we don ’ t know how to take it because we are steadily trying to be “ Strong .”
Well , what if I told you that not taking the help and putting stress on your shoulders really makes you weak and causes you to take time off your life ?
Receiving is “ not a sin .” Receiving is not “ Bad .” You have a right to breathe . You have a right to take a nap . You have a right to cry . You have a right to say “ NO .” You have a right to be a woman . You have a right to laugh . You have a right to live . You have a right to be vulnerable . Just because you ’ re a mother does not mean you do not have rights too . You are special . God gave you an assignment to raise his children and guide them to greatness . You are one of a kind because you were assigned to the children you have . You are in a space that no man or woman can take from you .