Thrive; Evolutionary Consciousness Jan 2014 | Page 25

Bringing the message of your dreams into your life

Are you interested in exploring a recent dream? You’ve had that particular dream for a reason. You could have dreamed about suntanning on the beach, but you had your particular dream instead. The first thing to recognize is that this dream is about you. Your dream has a message for you. Everything in the dream is connected with you. Of course, it’s possible to have other types of dreams, such as lucid dreams or precognitive dreams. But, for most people these are very rare.

No matter how complex or simple your dream appears, there is something within it that has a message for you. It doesn’t matter whether your dream is packed with detail and is about being an air traffic controller during a zombie apocalypse or you’re dreaming about being in an empty room. There’s always a message to be found. The first step is to be curious.

Try to let go of your confusion or doubt. Yes, it’s easy to get confused in the details of the dream and dismiss it as a nightmare or silly dream. But, with practice you’ll be able to make some progress. A good trick is to break the dream down into scenes and elements. For instance, in the air traffic controller dream, you might start out with the beginning scene in which you’re standing in front of a confusing radar console. You could then work with this scene.

You can begin your work with a scene, by asking yourself how you feel about it. For most people, seeing the airport console might make them feel confused and perhaps angry. You might wonder about the purpose of all the lights and buttons. Some good questions to ask might be:

How does this scene relate to my life?

Is my dream reaction appropriate?

Do I feel like this in life?

Is this dream about controlling?

Where do I need more/less control?

Is the scene suggesting that I do something?

Rob Ragozzine

Numbers By Rob