Thrive; Evolutionary Consciousness Feb 2014 | Page 6


By Jannirose JOY Fenimore

Words of Wisdom by Charlie Fenimore, Special Olympian

This is about love and soul and smiles of relationships. Life and light around this heartness bright is a loving God about this world. For us on this planet, life is

about loving.

Charlie Fenimore

From the time my son Charlie was just a baby, I understood he and I would one day carry a message to the world. It wasn’t a thought or a desire, but a familiar knowing we were joined for a special purpose that would touch hearts.

Charlie was born with Down syndrome and came to our family through adoption. We’ve always embraced his condition as a gift, and he’s fit into our lives seamlessly from the very beginning.

I suspect that’s the reason he’s blossomed so gracefully in the 20 years since we’ve had him. With us, he’s celebrated every day for the unique individual he is, and he’s thrived because of it.

God makes us inside the light and the angels come around us. This is our world and our planet will be free to the shining hearts. This is true of the spiritness and soulness and the light of love.

Charlie Fenimore

Even when Charlie was an infant, it was apparent to me the two of us were meant to be carriers of love in this world that sometimes seems dark. It’s still the same two decades later. To this day, we’re blessed to be bearers of light and joy as we travel together through life.

There’s much I’ve learned as the mother of one whom many call “disabled”. While some may see him as less than whole, I know better. There’s nothing about our son that indicates he’s missing anything at all. Instead, I like to think he’s enhanced by his God-designed genetic make-up.

Over the last two decades, I’ve watched him grow into manhood untainted by societal pressures or expectations to be anything but who he is. Charlie lives without apology in the truth of his being, and this is stunning to behold.

Our true self is light. It became to be our normal life of the human being. In the bright shining sun is wonderful and beautiful. Holiness is for everybody and someone. Give our hearts to be light with love.

Charlie Fenimore