Three Region Music No.2 | Page 9

"I kinda feel like I'm not in control of any of this stuff."

-Aesop Rock

All of your albums are very different. Over the years, how do you feel you've evolved as an artist and as a person. From Skelethon  to the current run of the impossible kid?

“It's a bit tough to put it into words, as it's all been a slow change for me, but never felt like any kinda overnight leaps.  I just let my ears guide it, and hopefully improve my craft.  Different subject matter in terms of the writing just kinda comes and goes.  I also approach some of the same subjects I did 20 years ago - I just have a different approach.  I kinda feel like I'm not in control of any of this stuff.  I just sorta do what feels right at the time, which is a combination of many things, outside influences, personal changes, just all of it.  My process has remained pretty similar since day 1, so it's really just me hopefully expanding my horizons within my rapping and production.”

What sets you apart from most other rappers is your expansive vocabulary and usage of complex metaphors, where in life did you gather those skills from? 

“I don't really know - just kinda from everywhere.  I always write down stuff that I hear and think could work for song, so it's often a matter of just being in that mode where - when those words and phrases come into your life, being ready to document them.  I think I just enjoy putting words together so I soak up words as often as I can.  That said - for me the songs aren't really about that.  It's a helpful tool to get where I'm going, but it's not the actual theme.”

The Uncluded  is a really unique change of pace from the music your solo albums what inspired that project? 

“I was a long time fan of Kimya’s work, and we have some mutual friends.  I did some work on her Thunder Thighs LP, and we felt we had a good vibe going - enough to carry us through a project together.  I think it was exciting for both of us to do something different and it all sorta unraveled naturally.”