TheOverclocker Issue 42 | Page 34

while the second attempts to place the car directly between the camera and ball (ball cam). Neither of these work for all scenarios, as if the ball is directly above the player the ball cam moves to above the car, removing the reference point of where you need to be. The locked car view means that the ball might not be on the screen at all. In order to master the game, you’ll need to learn which camera to use when. Other than driving around, you can also jump into the air. Holding the jump button for longer means that you just higher, and if you need to jump higher still you can double jump by pressing the jump button a second time at the apex of your jump. This needs to be done without holding a direction key (or moving your joystick/thumbstick in a direction), as the second jump combined with a direction will result in a dodge. Dodging left or right will perform a barrel roll, which is essential for blocking certain shots or hitting the ball sideways into the goals. Dodging backwards results in a bicycle kick, and dodging forwards will power you forwards for striking or picking up speed. A gamepad with analogue sticks is certainly the preferred method, as a keyboard will only allow you to dodge in a total of eight directions. The physics is advanced enough that a dodge 34 The OverClocker Issue 42 | 2017 90 degrees to the left will send the ball in a different direction than 80 degrees to the left. You can also boost off (and, of course, drive on) the walls of the arena, and this is one place where you will find the physics has a bit of a glitch. If you’re in the air, no matter your vertical speed, dodging will always “reset gravity” instantly. If you’re jumping up quite fast it’ll be as though you’ve hit an invisible barrier stopping you from going higher, whereas if you’re falling at speed gravity will seemingly forget to work. This isn’t a major issue, as it’s been that way since day one and you’ll get used to it quickly. Your car also has a boost function, which is powered by picking up orange orbs around the play area. These will recharge the boost by 12% for the small orbs and all the way to 100% for the large orbs. Once picked up, the orbs will reappear on the play field after a certain amount of time. Holding down the boost button results in your car shooting forwards at an even greater speed, allowing you to truly power the ball into the goals or race across the map for a save. Other than needing them yourself, a common tactic is to collect as many as possible even if you don’t need them in order the “boost starve” your opponents. Boost is also used for flying - yes, with