TheOverclocker Issue 36 | Page 6

QA Jonathan “Strong Island”Passero Country Name and City: I am from United States, Long Island, New York. What language(s) do you speak in addition to English if any? I took Spanish in high school but don’t speak any other language fluently. Your nick, “strong island 1”, any special meaning behind it and what does it mean? It’s something that people from Long Island say, meaning we are a powerful island. It originally was my xbox gamertag and I always kept it. Now I changed it to Strong Island. The 1 doesn’t mean anything. By extreme overclocking standards, you’re relatively new to LN2 overclocking. How long have you been overclocking with LN2 and what is it about LN2 that has you hooked? It’s been almost 2 years since I first touched Liquid Nitrogen. I originally bought the 780 ti K|NGP|N Edition to overclock on water and I didn’t see much difference on water compared to my 780 ti Classified. So I had to try and overclock on liquid nitrogen to try and see it’s full potential. My first night went poorly and I almost gave up but the next day I called in sick from work and said to myself I had to give it one more try. That night I broke 1850mhz core clock and had like the #2 score on the 3dmark firestrike leaderboard. That feeling was so amazing and I had so much fun that I never stopped using ln2 since then and I have been having a blast. If it wasn’t for the K|NGP|N Edition card allowing me to have those results on my first 6 The OverClocker Issue 36 | 2015 weekend I might not have ever stuck with it. taste in my mouth but I would love to try it again. How many live overclocking events have you attended if any and if not, which ones would you like to take part in in future? I have actually never attended a live event. I have never been invited and there hasn’t been any near where I live. I really would love to experience Computex and the overclocking that went on there. It looked like so much fun. Not too long ago you were benching an old 8800GTS graphics card. Compared to modern GPUs, do you find this easier or harder to bench, is it more exciting or less so? I have been having so much fun with my 8800gts 512mb. It is actually my very first successful zombie card. I am having a blast with it. The other night on water cooling the 8800 zombie was scaling up to 1.65v, meaning there was so much oc headroom to play with, going up to about 950mhz on ambient temp water. It’s a lot of fun. Plus you have the shader clock meaning a little more to tweak, which is always good. The 8800gts 512mb card is pretty easy to bench and very relaxing on ln2 because it’s a small chip and doesn’t generate a ton of heat. I get excited benching any gpu so they are both fun in there own ways. You bench as part of the massive and highly competitive overclock. net team, did you join that team in particular because of their quality or was it primarily because that was your chosen forum where you spent most of your time? I had already been benching a lot for the bench threads, especially Valley was my favourite, and I am a benchmark editor at OCN so it just felt natural to join the OCN team. A lot of the guys have been really cool over there teaching me about the ins and outs of hwbot and tweaking. The forums are also very busy so it’s fun to talk to people about overclocking and hardware. Whom do you bench with primarily if anyone or are you a lone overclocker mostly? Unfortunately I am a lone bencher. I wish there were more people in my area to overclock with. I would love to. The one time I did bench with someone it went very badly. We both brought gear to bench and we killed one of my kingpin cards and still had a ton of nitrogen left and he refused to use any of his gear after that and we couldn’t use the nitrogen. That left a little bad In keeping with the old school benchmarks. Between 3DMark 2001se and Aquamark3, which is your favourite and do you believe that these benchmarks should still be given points going forward? I really love 3dmark01, I haven’t had a ton of experience with Aqumark3. I really like these benchmarks because there is a ton of things to tweak. A lot of the new firestrike benches are mostly click and run, which I love also, but there is something really fun about challenging yourself and learning how to produce a great 3d01 score. My highest so far is about 170,000 but I’m still working on it. Hopefully Skylake can help me with that. I would hate to see points removed, it’s nice to have a challenge to work