TheBeyondWoman Magazine Issue #1 | Page 30

Become aware of your emotions .

Managing stress

To Avoid


Written By : Rese Carter
can often be pushed into a very dark place . That place can come with feelings of hopelessness .
Setbacks and disappointments are simply a part of life . No matter who you are or where you come from at some point you will experience a challenge . Disappointments can often bring about self-judgment , and sometimes self-pity . The sad part is , some persons find it difficult to recover and they begin to obsess about the situation not realizing that nothing truly lasts forever . In fact it ’ s those very thoughts that have put them in the space of hopelessness . Left for a long time those feelings can turn into depression .
With the feelings of depression come impending doom , emptiness , restlessness and sometimes even thoughts of suicide . If you think about it , all of this perhaps started with not dealing with the initial stressor .

Life is a beautiful thing filled with lots of joyful moments . However there are times when the very sweet life that you so cherish becomes overwhelming . One day you wake up and everything that you held dear to you feels all out of whack !

You are filled with a mountain of debts ; the bills keep coming , family and work obligations are only increasing . You feel like you have lost all sense of balance .
You know you should exercise but you just can ’ t find the time . You begin to eat unhealthily , there is simply no time to pause and take time for you . You finally recognize that you are totally stressed and taking back control seems almost impossible .
We have all been there . The truth is stress that is left untreated can manifest in many forms of the illnesses . One of the most common is Depression .
Persons who constantly undergo stress and do not manage it well ,
What many people fail to understand , is that whatever you give your attention to , you get more of it . You have the ability to choose what you think about , believe it or not . However , most persons allow their thoughts to control them .
It ’ s important then to pay attention to how you are feeling , and truly managing the way you think . If you realize you are highly stressed then , here are some great things to consider . They may just save you from heading into depression .


Become aware of your emotions .

Are you aware of how you are feeling ? Depression doesn ’ t happen overnight . Take the time out to manage how you are feeling on a regular basis . If something is not feeling right address it early , in this case delay can be dangerous .
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