The Zine The Cosmic Edition | Page 11

Late to Sixth Period

By Sarah Semon

i so badly wish your mind

to learn the meaning of silence.

just for a second,

so it may stop seeking solace

in the complexity of the unanswerable.

you deserve that much.

The Middle of February

By Sarah Semon

She wanders through the sunflowers

Yellow petals whispering secrets to a white dress

And reminding her fingertips

To be gentle in tending her temple

she is safe to dance again

Freedom pounds on her collar bones

Drunkenly screaming let me in

Let me destroy you

Give me the sun and i will give you a day

A month

A year


Her heart has an outstretched hand

Through the bars of the rib cage

Grasping for understanding yet

Knowing that it will never come

Decides to seize the halo

Adorned by the angel kissing her hips

What is it like to taste the stars you are made of?

Do you take sips in between

watering the flora that takes root in your soul and

Showering your bones in wind, rain and mess

Or is it Just before you go out

To dance in an empty parking lot by yourself

feeling beautiful again