The Zine Imperial Edition | Page 28

The royal family is well known for their active role as patrons of charities all across England. They make many contributions to these worthy causes. But what about the millions of average British citizens who give up what little they have to support these causes with their own money, and more importantly, time? Do these people get massive media attention and recognition? Do they receive vast quantities of P.R. money? Do they require tens of thousands of dollars in security, often vastly dwarfing the amount of money donated? The answer is, of course, no, no, and no. Although these visits and donations inspire many to give of their time and money, it seems hard to justify when you consider the outside costs.

I’m not saying that The Windsors aren’t doing any good for their nation or even world. But it seems hard to justify the cost of just one family when you see how many problems other families are facing. This is a great dynasty that stretches back for generations and many Englanders have a strong attachment and fond memories of them. But it’s 2018, it’s the future, and it just doesn’t make sense to have a queen who doesn’t rule anything.

*(All quantities converted to American Dollars)