The World of Hospitality Issue 21 2017 | Page 88

88 the World Of Hospitality Safety & Security Access control, meet the self-service revolution Before 1916, if you wanted goods from a grocery store, you would hand a list of items to a clerk, who would then go through the store, gathering the goods on your behalf. And then, one fine day in Memphis, Tennessee, Piggly Wiggly opened its doors to the world. Under the guidance of Clarence Saunders, this unassuming grocery store introduced the novel concept of marking individual prices on items; it gave customers shopping carts and allowed them to choose the goods themselves. The store marked the birth of what we now call ‘self-service’ changed the industry forever. The self-service revolution has since taken almost every industry by storm. From airlines and petrol stations to retail and banking, self-service is becoming a key feature of the business landscape. NetCode from Codelocks provides an access control solution that enables the hospitality sector to take advantage of this self-service revolution. Application Programming Interface (API). The API allows hospitality companies to fully integrate the code generation platform with their own systems, negating the need to replace existing processes. If you’d asked grocery store owners back in 1915 whether they thought there was a better way to run their businesses, it’s doubtful that they would have had the same vision as Mr. Saunders. It can be difficult for businesses to spot opportunities that aren’t yet in the mainstream. Codelocks’ range of cutting edge smart locks allow those in the hospitality sector to quickl