The Word of God in Romania 2015.05.21 - The Word of God at the Feast of the L

2015.05.21. The Word of God 1 at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension 2 On a day of the feast of My ascension to the Father, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, am full of word and I am full of longing to speak, as several days ago, I said that I would speak My word for the Romanian people and I remind to this people that sixty years have passed since the word of My mouth has been turning into a book on the Romanian hearth and My book goes over the earth and preaches this time of the heavenly school, coming down from glory with its Teacher upon people, for I have raised one people whom I nourished with the world of My mouth all this time, and I have set it to do My will and to be My house, to come on earth as word to those who believe in the miracle of this time, in My coming as word among people, and to tell them that I am with My voice on earth and I have come to bring them light, as at My first coming two thousand years ago, I said that I was the Light of the world and now I am fulfilling it as I did at the time when I was working on earth the word for which I came being sent by the Father, that is the man’s salvation. I am setting the table of word on the hearth of the Romanian people and I am calling at the table with Me the sons of this nation and I am blessing from the right side of My Father My speaking of today, oh, and My Father is blessing the whole work of My word on a day of the feast of the Ascension, a day of holy memorial, because I, the Lord Jesus Christ, as I as- cended so I will come, and behold, I will come on the clouds, as it is written. (See the selec- tion topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds 3 ”, r.n.) Oh, My Father Sabaoth, I am coming on the cloud of word, and You are My word and its power, and I am bringing to You on this day fervent prayer and by it I am asking You to be with Your power in the sons of the Romanian people as You are in Me, oh, Father, so that they may understand the comfort and the power of My word upon them, as behold, I am calling out the trumpet upon them to fill them with watching, as I want to put them now before You and You to fill them with power to overcome all the danger which tries to catch them under it, for God gives them the wisdom from above, the waking for it and heavenly eyes to see the enemy and to stand up to overcome and to be saved from the trial which keeps on spreading in order to catch them in it and then to be in danger their salvation from the men of lying, from those that, because of their life full of pleasures and pride, bring this nations into humiliation, the Romanian people, whom We have, Father, and whom We love so much, as We have on its heart the fold of My word over the earth, My word among people, Father. — Oh, My Son, You are My word and My will. May My work and Yours be blessed on this holy day in heaven and on earth, and We are blessing now the power of the Romanian God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 3 You can also see on: ing_with_the_clouds.pdf!5N8FVJ5Z!JJIiD5ui_quEJbwUD3-r504YDafNB4lks1n2ay3GJsw 1 2 1