The Word of God in Romania 2014.04.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the A

2014.04.07. The Word of God 1 at the feast of the Annunciation 2 It is a day of royal feast in heaven on this day, according to the order left by the saints for those in heaven and for those on earth who love those in heaven and who like to spend once with those from heaven the glory of the heavenly feast, to the remembrance of God’s works among people, for everything is worked in heaven for the salvation of men, and then they are established on the earth and work faith and salvation in the people and also they work joy in heaven and on earth. I, the Lord, am making this day of holy feast the proof of My divinity. I am true God of true God. I am God and Man. I have Father and mother and I have come from heaven, and I am also from the earth to proclaim Myself to the people that I am Who I am, that God is, that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit work much and they are always in heaven and on earth and God does not stop from His work. He, Who made the heaven and the earth, oh, how is He supposed to stay, how could He stop from His work for a moment, after He has done this work and after He had built man? I came from heaven on earth two thousand years ago and then I ascended in heaven from the earth, oh, and now I am coming again from heaven on earth. I come and go, I go and come, and I am always on the way. I have the angels who come with Me and I have a ministry and shelter, for I work mysteriously and I do not put aside the curtain from above Me unless I am proclaimed and known from margins to margins, waited and much wanted and loved, for I am the love without beginning and without end, because this is how God is; He does not have a beginning or an end, but He is love only, and love will never perish. Oh, what shall I do? I want to hold counsel with those on earth on how to do and how to prepare them joy. Even from the beginning of the heaven and the earth, before the building of the man, even from that time I have been working to prepare heavenly joys for man, joys with God and from God, but man has always wanted to prepare his joys even in the paradise where I put him to My joy and his, only that he, man, cannot prepare anything for himself but only pains, poor of him. The man’s joys are only those that are worked by the Lord and then are given to him as it was prepared two thousand years ago the day of joy coming down on earth and then proclaimed by the angels and set to be remembered, for it had come the time of My conception in a Virgin mother, and when this moment had come, light from angels came around the Virgin and a heavenly voice told her that she would be the mother of God, the mother of the Son of God, that the Lord would come on earth and would become flesh; He would be set as Man’s seed in her womb and would submit to the creation by a virginal birth, and it would be worked only from heaven and God would became flesh on earth; then a Child would be born Who would slowly grow up, as slow as a man and He would come to the age of a perfect man and would pay to the enemy the price for the redemption of the man, who died by sin and who has been dying because of sin from the beginning of the man’s disobedience to God in paradise. Because of this God had to die; He had to die as a man and then He came to life as God, as the man’s life had to be paid, and only God was able to pay for it; however, because the thief has been mysterious and because he has been hidden and worked in secret and caused man to die, the Son of God had to get into the dwelling of the dead mysteriously too, to take from it God’s 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 1