The Word of God in Romania 2008.11.21 - The Word of God at the Synod of the s | Page 3

2008.11.21. My Scriptures with the man for that time. I promised Israel many good things, many fulfill- ments, but because it did not enter into them and into My rest and theirs, those that I promised were not fulfilled for it and for Me with it. Oh, I have meant so many prophecies, so many good things over the nation of Israel among the nations, but I have not put in vain the parable of the wise virgins and of the foolish ones into the Scriptures, for behold, the virgin body does not watch, but the soul watches when it watches, and the heart watches as well, by love and by faith in it. Oh, Romanian nation, your land is sealed by the Father for My coming back after two thousand years. The ministering angels on My behalf over the people leave over you the spirit of understanding of God’s mysteries into your midst. You are in a time of trial for your life from above and from beneath. I ordain you to become wise from heaven and not to be able to do your will, that which stands against you, but to do My will on earth instead so that God may be your father, and you to be His nation among nations. My angelic hosts are ready to serve you to do My will for you and not your will, because you are My chosen people. I do not come to ask you anything but the faith that the Lord is He Who comes to you to lead you for your life and you to serve Him for the resurrection of the dead. Man is not king on earth, and it is not good to be so, but it is good for the man to have God as his master. Amen. Oh, you shall not become haughty in your spirit and say that God is for you, for Israel said the same thing after I made it to be God’s people, and then Israel fell from My face because it rose against Me when I come to appear before it, to announce Myself to it and to announce it with Me on earth. The angelic armies comfort your forehead and give you great news. Do you hear how beauti- fully the heavenly armies comfort you because you are Mine?: “Rise from earth to heaven, Romanian nation, for you are Christ’s confessors at your root, who ask for the reward of their faith and sacrifice. Your place is before the Lord, for before Him your saints stand and ask for you to be with them before Him. You should have justice and peace as your way. Your should have mercy and love as your power, and let your faith teach you to sow a new seed on the ground, the news of the kingdom of the heavens, as John, the Baptizer, and then the Lord, Jesus Christ said. Work out light for you and not darkness, for the darkness comes to its end and there will be a reward for those who will have worked them, and the light is the Lord, Who comes to you and is glorified with His light into your midst.” Amen. I, Romanian nation, I, the Lord, dedicate you with the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and I lead you to My will and to your victory. Give voice to your prayer and say like this: Lord, may Your will be done over the destiny that is from You of the Roma- nian nation and come! And come to save us! Amen, amen, amen. Oh, you from the tombs, who have found My calling to the spring, you have come from the place of your waiting to hear My voice in the garden! My angels are your servants, and you are full of longing and appreciation for My new people, to whom I am coming today and near whom I call you to come and I gather you for your comfort too. Oh, get up! Get up more and more with every passing day and come out! This is written to be fulfilled. Amen. – Oh, Good and great Savior, have mercy on us, God, according to Your mercy, and according to Your great endurance, wipe out our transgression from Your face and wash us from our sins! Do Your church good, Lord, and let the walls of new Jerusalem be built, which those in the tombs so much have waited for! Strengthen the work of Your word and bless this little village where You call us and bring us together at the voice of Your archangel who serves to announce the resurrection of the dead, and bless with all Your blessings those who have ears 3