The Word of God in Romania 2008.01.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 4

2008.01.19. Oh, My people, that have been Mine from old time! I call you too to instruction. I call you again, son. I call you to understand that which you did not understand when I came to you, when you came to Me to hear and to work. Oh, that you could not be My doll in your time and that I was your doll instead, to show you the work of the doll and then for you to be able to learn, that I was under your will, and your will was not good for you, and behold, today too, not only yesterday, but even today, the world calls Me the liar, for I have not had disciples in you by this time to be able to rely on them, and because of your doubt in My work, the world calls Me the immoral and the liar and the man calls Me as well, and the man says that I am not this word of resurrection and that the man is, and it says that My bearers are not God’s sons waited by the Scriptures to be, and that the church of the world would be that which is Mine, but if it does not lead to a holy life, and it also does not have any love of Me, then how it is supposed to be My servant? By its mouth? By its robe? By its walking into the high temples and that is all? Oh, I like to dwell in man, for it is for that that I built the man, and you build high temples in vain to enter them and to call the people to you if you are not God’s temple, temple of the Holy Spirit, as it is written for Christ’s church, oh, servants who set into My name over the crowds. God needs you, He does not need temples of stone, for the temple in Jerusalem in which I entered was torn down stone by stone and it remained nothing on it, noth- ing of it, and I spoke two thousand years ago about this time, Mine with My people, chosen out of Romanians and I prophesied saying: «The hour comes when the true worshippers will wor- ship in spirit and truth», (John 4:23) that in God and not in high temples, but in small houses, in little chambers, which are comprise them within the mystery of prayer and with My sacrifice for them every day, so that they may be My saints, for My holies are given to the saints, and as the calling of the church is for those who commune with My body and blood to their life in My life assumed on earth. In the time of the first saints it was very beautiful, as today, when I, the Lord, have waited again to be over My faithful ones, for the holy apostles walked and estab- lished priests through the cities even if in a city where there were no more than two, three or four Christian people, but they received the Lord on their table and they fed on Him in secret, and there was great persecution for My church, not as over the church of the world, which climbs on a height at the hand of anyone who wants to come into it and at its table. Well, if this is the church of the world, who is supposed to enter it then but the world? Oh, My people of today, work the victory as I did, for I overcame the world, and I teach the one who comes to see you because you are Mine and I tell him how to overcome the world too, for the world is not overcome by other kind of power than by that of the humble spirit in man, and this spirit teaches you to live in God, not in this world, and it teaches you to humble yourself like Him too, and then the world does no longer love the man who works like that, and this is how the man gets out of the world and not otherwise. The man without God in him cannot bear this opposition, he cannot stay freely under defeat, and this spirit opposing to humility is called world in man, a man who had not given up the world for God’s kingdom in him, but the one who overcomes himself for My kingdom in him, that one has got those in his household as enemies, those who are close to him, those who are used to him, and they hate him if he becomes My dwelling place among those in his household. Behold, everything that is considered old upsets the man and he seeks after everything that is new on him, even if it is about those in his family who rise against each other when it is about God in man, and thus how am I, the Lord, not supposed to speak the word to make all things new that bring eternal joys, 4