The Word of God in Romania 2007.03.11 - The Word of God on the third Sunday o | Page 6

2007.03.11 .
who tried to tidy in My place over My work , have been smashed by the fruit of their will , and I , the Lord , got up and spared the vineyard and the inheritance of My Gospel . Woe to those who do not want the Lord to know their work by His guide , for each work will be asked from the man from the hand of the watchmen , not from the hand of the servants , and behold , the one who has the Lord as Master over him , that one is a son to Me and not a servant , for a son lets himself be guided , and he proves himself to be faithful when he works that way . Amen .
I remind you again of the spirit of cleanness of all the things , My people , for the cleanness is spirit and not work , as I , the Lord , have told you . I exhort you to be gentle and humble in your heart , so that you may be able to receive Me with My exhortation , son , for he who has self-esteem , that one does not receive Me , but on the contrary , he punishes Me , either if I search him out , and the one who is that way and gets used to it , that one cannot work for the spirit of brotherhood , the spirit which becomes perfect and is made among brothers by different gifts .
Oh , My people , back talking is the man who violates in him God ’ s will for the sake of his will , and then I become weak with My watching through those who are watchmen on My behalf over the people that has come to be with Me , for he who comes to be only with him and like him too , that one cannot be with Me and he can only work like him and then he talks back on the one who stays and looks from the sides at all his work and then he turns against Me and against his work without guidance upon him .
The spirit of the love of brothers and among brothers is called a spirit loving of people , and he who does not have this , that one is haughty and does not know his pride and damage , which comes from it , even if those who see tell him this . The spirit of love among brothers , the spirit loving of people , this spirit I , the Lord , want to see in you , son of My people , and if you do not have it , then seek to receive it , for without it you cannot have love , you cannot be full of God , and on the contrary , you are full of discontent and you are pretentions and you hurt and you do not bind the wound if you do not have love and if you do not have compassion , and I , the Lord , have advised the Christian otherwise , by My word full of life for man . Oh , the man ’ s humility is great comfort with God , the humility for God in man , and I want to have comforting disciples , for he who is humble does not know his humility , and he has always humbled himself for its fruit and he has always worked in it and becomes comfort to Me , the one with a humble spirit . Amen .
Oh , guiding children on My behalf for those who join My will in them ! Teach them by the word and work , for those who do not do the work knowingly and in the light , those live as My pain and yours and hide in themselves and do not know to write themselves with those who are faithful , who deny themselves for a spirit loving of people , for the love that becomes God in man . Oh , how much comfort I would have if all had wanted to be like you or to listen to you , for you are comforting people to Me , because you dwell in My Spirit , and you can hardly stand at the helm because of the man ’ s will . Always and everywhere advise My people to seek with the spirit of the holy brotherhood , so that it may be with My blessing over it , as it is My blessing left by the Scripture . Amen .
I have given great exhortation in the book , and I want them to be awakening . The time of the fasting is the time of the cleaning of everything : of love , humility and of holy patience too . Let no one be upset with his brother for himself , for the reproof that I like has got work for Me upon man , and not for man . Let this people learn the work of not being upset with those that are from the earth among brothers , for I am the One Who knows the hearts , and let no one have other desire or take away this work of the knowledge of the hearts from Me . I have given this great exhortation