The Word of God in Romania 2007.01.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 2

2007.01.19. Oh, My people, the mystery of the baptism is the mystery of the birth from above, and this is how I was teaching those without deceit to be My disciples and to believe working the heavenly mysteries on the earth, as I have also worked in the time of My coming of now, My people, but, as at that time, very few have wanted to remain totally Mine, and without deceit to have given Me My time with them and to have them as fruit before the Father and that they may not be judged by not loving the light but the darkness and their works instead, being kept in the darkness. Oh, I could not make the Israel of that time understand from Me that I am not two Gods; I could not and only a small remnant of it wanted then to be with My grace, and the other one wanted to be under the darkness instead, boasting about the law, which protected the sin and which could not save the man from destruction, and, behold, this is what has happened to us today too, oh, My people, but I am also speaking for today and say: I am not two Gods but I am Only One God and I have come down from heaven to make the man holy and to save him in this way. Amen. Oh, My people, oh, My people! I have always, always baptized you with the Holy Spirit and I teach you the birth and the growth, and after that I teach you what it means to become a child, the life without sin, son, because it hurts Me and it hurts Me bitterly when I hear on the earth the man that says that God does not ask from the sinners what He asks from the saints for their salvation. However now, I wipe out the tears from My face and I cry again on it, and I wipe it out again and say: he who sins having a law, as he says, that one is separated from Me, for I am the One without sin and I am the God of those who stay under My protecting angel, waiting after those who commit sin to leave off their sin and to become holy for their sa