The Word of God in Romania 2006.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 5

2008.08.28 .
I bless with much and holy love the new pavilion in which I have stayed with you today for the celebration for My mother the Virgin and where I , with My heaven of saints , have rested and fed on My word , My people . My word is a table of the saints upon you and the saints have put their holy blessing upon this pavilion now , and we will call them by the word the day of its sealing and heavenly protectors upon it , for to any work and to any of its visible work , when I work with you , I give it then protecting angels and I give it a name . Amen .
However , My people , when you receive the word to fulfill from those who stand before you on My behalf , you should not say that you listen to them , but you should rather believe that you work for Me and fulfill if they are My word , and this is how you will be faithful and in obedience and you will be embraced by My heaven of saints for all My saints have loved obedience to God on the earth , working with God and not having other kind of obedience , My people .
Oh , mother , let us fulfill all the word of Our feast with them and let Us still give them power for the fulfilling of My will in them and with them , mother . Amen , amen , amen .
– Oh , my Lord and my Son ! You , by Your endless humility received a body from my body in a holy way and You clothed Yourself within a human nature and You let Yourself be whipped by the man , but it is so hard for the man to worship with humility before Your humility , Lord . All those who were and are injured on the earth , because of their lack of humility , they were and are tested , for the man cannot easily humble himself , but only if he is put to test .
Oh , people of the teaching of my Son , all the pride of the man is crushed before God ’ s humility and the man does not know this mysterious work , which covers him from the God of mercy , the One Who saves many souls , humiliating them by the power of His humility , which searches the man so that he may not perish . The man of the human pride does not come to humility but only by God ’ s mercy for the man , for the Lord received a human nature and has taught the man his elevation to God by His humility and then by His love .
Oh , sons of my Son , be decent for the face of the humble spirit in you has to be seen well and to refresh around the Spirit of God , the Lord ’ s dwelling with you and among you . Be gentle and humble like my Son . Do not stop learning to work that way . Do not forget that this is what you have to work among you before my Son , your Lord . The work of life is the work of humility , that with so much teaching upon you . Be decent . Moreover , I do not give this exhortation only to those who are decent among you . But more than that , I also tell this to those who are less attentive and used to the beauty of propriety , as my beauty was , a heavenly beauty in man , from which the love and the longing for the spirit of the holy obedience come , and for a blessed life , children of the heavenly teaching . You are the sons of the teaching coming down from heaven upon you and you have to look like the rich fruit of the word , which teaches you , for the one who is much taught by God owes God for the teaching of the life , for the beauty of the life which is pleased in heaven and on earth . The work of life , this is what you have to look for , and you should come before the Lord with guidance for it , to be decent and comforted for those from heaven that come with the Lord at the table with you , listening together with you to the word of life . May my feast with you in a new pavilion be blessed , for my Son and the host , which walks with Him , have come in the garden of the meeting and they comfort you with the saints for the fulfillment of this beautiful and sweet pavilion . And the Lord will come down in it with the host of His coming and He will reward you with His love , for the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head to come , and He comes to you and blesses His places with you and He is glorified on the earth with you , teaching you His gentle and humble Spirit . Amen .