The Word of God in Romania 2006.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A

2008.08.28. The Word of God 1 at the feast of the Assumption 2 I knock at the gates and I make Myself heard and I come as word into My book of these days of My second coming from near the Father to the man. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God Sabaoth and I am the Son of My mother, the Virgin, in whom I became flesh to be born and to become the Savior among people and for them, for it is written: «He who believes in Me has eternal life». Amen. I have strengthened My gates, I have strengthened My way and I have come to you, people, Jerusalem. I am coming with the spirit of the feast of today, for My mother the Virgin is celebrated with the day of her coming from the earth near Me and near the Father. Strengthen yourself too with the spirit of celebration and open your little mouth and speak Me out and praise Me as your Savior and Teacher, for I took you out of the world to make you the praise for God and to get comforted with you within My pain from the man, who is careless of his life and eternity from Me. Oh, My people, the man does not want to know about his eternal life, and I formed you to speak with you on the earth that the living and the dead may hear the voice of God’s Son, as I said that this time would come, and here I am, speaking with those who are alive in their bodies, and those in the tombs hear Me more than them, (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.) for everything I spoke was fulfilled and is being fulfilled and the Lord is glorified in heaven and on earth and He shows the way to the man. My way to the man is the word of My calling and of My teaching over the man, and the man’s way to Me is his faith in this word, which was from the beginning and which still is. Amen. Oh, people of My word! I mourn and I sigh with the saints of the heaven, and I sigh for the man, for the man thinks that he is God, but he does not want to prove out his faith and to sit down with the work of salvation before Me, and I to work out his life according to My will. The greatest work between earth and heaven is the work of life. However, this is worked by the spirit not by the flesh, for the flesh without spirit is of no use to anything but only for sin and for the emptiness of man’s separation from God, and I sigh with My saints, and My sighing becomes word upon man. Oh, mother Virgin, oh, My mother, I am with the spirit of your feast into the midst of My people, faithful to My coming, and Our sighing becomes word to give grace to those who listen to it. Oh, My mother, there is only wound all over in heaven on God and on the saints because of man’s separation from God and from the work of life. Our celebrations are not feasts of joy, but they are rather feasts of life, of work for life, My mother. The greatest work of the man should be this, but We sigh in heaven for man, for his wandering away has become too long and too great, mother. The spirit of the world has put away the Spirit of God from the earth, and the man uses My name only get a name for himself, but not life, mother, and woe to the man who does not deserve to make a name with My name and woe to the one who puts his trust in man and not in God, and not on the mystery of the work of life, the work which is learned first and only after that is worked, mother. 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 1