The Word of God in Romania 2005.05.08 - The Word of God on the second Sunday

2005.05.08. The Word of God 1 on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle Thomas 2 I knock and it is opened for Me, because I am the true Shepherd. I knock when I come in because I do nothing until I let it be known, and I work this way to built faith and power for faith in man, for God. Amen. Christ is risen!, my male and female disciples said to each other after I fulfilled My resurrection from the dead, a resurrection, which I told them about before it revealed Me resur- rected before them. First I announced, first I knocked and then I revealed Myself to them within My body received from the Father, because I was resurrected to life, and then I went to the Father to thank Him for the power by which I trampled with the death upon death, and then I went to the disciples as joy, and I did not go to them until I let it be known, until I knocked to come in to them. I made clear to them that I would be raised up on the third day, and after resurrection, Mary Magdalene saw Me and I became known to them and I told them that I would go up to the Father to thank Him, and I told her to go and tell My disciples that I came to life and that I let Myself be seen and known by her so that she might testify about Me. First I announced Myself to them as resurrected, first I knocked and then I came in to them, and this is what I did with Thomas as well, the one among My disciples who was not with them at My first appearance before them after resurrection, the third day after My cruci- fixion and after My death on the cross. Christ is risen, My people! Great and wonderful are My works into your midst, and by which I announce Myself first, for God’s works cannot be otherwise on the earth. When I Myself preach the greeting of My resurrection into your midst, those from the dwelling of the dead are saved from any trace of pain because they are comforted at My voice for them, for My voice is most waited by them, much more than the people know on earth what this voice means, so that they may be able to hear it after that, to be able to believe first and then to hear it. However, My voice is heard from your midst very much in the dwell- ing of the dead, and there is no joy in heaven and on earth like their very much joy, and there is no place between heaven and earth in which I may not be known and waited as with them. (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.) And behold, I, the Lord, the One Who was resurrected for every man whom the death kept as a slave on the earth and under the earth, speak out for the joy of all who rejoice with longing and waiting, I declare for everyone the news of My resurrection: Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! I have become the beginning of the resurrection of those who are asleep, once with My death and with My resurrection, and I worked this hastily, as it is written into the Scriptures, because I was waited by those kept under the slavery of death. There had been three days for this redemption, because I, the Lord, was not able to see the death and its corruptibility more than it was written into the prophets. My death on the cross had My resurrection with it for all those who were asleep who waited for Me as their Savior from the Father and for My disciples, who were to understand by this that I was the messenger of the Father, the One Who made the world by His word spoken by Me. 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 1