The Word of God in Romania 2004.12.25 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 2

2004.12.25. Me, the Wonderful among My saints and by My saints, and even if they are afraid when I shake their whole work to show them their vanity, they stand strong by the spirit of haughtiness, which becomes opposition before Me and they are no longer afraid of Me for their perishing. However, I make My way to them and I reveal Myself as the Wonderful one, for the bishop Spyridon made Me known, a true God in him and a miracle doer through him before the unbelievers. Amen, amen, amen. – My faith, Lord of the saints, was my love for You, and it was Your love, which had nestled in my heart to love You with it and to make You wonderful before the unbelievers, who were nourished by their haughtiness, Lord. Oh, how patient You are among the unbelievers, until You make room for Yourself with Your wonders through Your saints among the people, by those who are faithful who make room in them for You to live in them with a sweet life, with sweet peace, richness of grace and of Your miracle among them! I confessed You as true God among the people and I showed You that You are the One Who made the heaven, the earth and the man, Lord. I suffered from the unbelief of those who were haughty and who wanted to understand the meanings of Your mysteries, hidden from the man’s mind, and then from the midst of the bishops gathered together within the synod, I took a piece of clay passed through the fire, a brick made by the hand of the man and I held it into my hands before them and I broke into three separate parts, by the miracle of my faith, in water, earth and fire, as they were before the making of the brick, before the water and the clay passed through the fire and became soften after that, and then it was allowed to soak, and then kneaded, moulded and put into a form so that it could be dried again and made useful for building, Lord, Who made the heaven and the earth out of waters by the word, Lord, Who are a consuming fire, and the