The Word of God in Romania 2004.02.01 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the | Page 5

2004.02.01 .
and not otherwise . No one knows but the Father that I was crying when I made the man , and I was knelt down when I did this kneading of the man ’ s body and the of his spirit , and now , in the end of the time , My Father has sent Me again to make the man and He said this to Me : “ Go Son , after the man who came out of the man that was built by Your hand , go and teach him the sweet mystery of sufferance and not of happiness , Son ! Go , Son , go , for happiness makes the man not to forget . Go and come back with the man on Your shoulders , for You have bowed much to the man and You spoke like him so that he might also speak like You .”
Oh , this is how My Father speaks to Me whenever I come as word on earth to you , My people , and I want the man to receive My teaching from you , and I want you to be a people of the disciples of My word and not to rejoice over everything that you do for yourself or for Me , but rather to rejoice over everything that I can do through you , for I told you that the dead have been waiting from you the fulfilling of the Scripture of their resurrection at the voice of My word upon you and at your voice , which takes after My voice , and for the dead and for the living to know Me in you that I am the true God , the One Who works out seed from seed , life from life taken from Me , My people , and resurrection from My resurrection , for I made the resurrection . Amen , amen , amen . ( See the selection topic : „ Resurrection of the dead ”, r . n .)
And to those who live in their bodies , I , the Lord , tell them this : whoever wants to get rid of the sin in him and of the devil , then let that one not judge his neighbor and God unjustly , and then he will come to life forever and ever , for woe is to the man who covers his guilt with someone else ’ s punishment !
Oh , children that lead on My behalf , if it seems to the man that I speak like him in such a way that I may not make weak the man that is in him , he should not speak to himself that he does not say that God does not know him , that He does not see him and that God does not hear him , because if I do so , I do it in order to keep away from the guilt in the man , but I come closer to the man after he lets that his guilt may be brought into the light , kept by him inside him by the darkness in him , by his judgment against his neighbor , because the man ’ s pride against another man makes to the evil spirit a house in man and a bed for sexual immorality , because the one , who is not one spirit with Me , has got another god , and he is one body with it , as it is written into the Scriptures .
Oh , Jerusalem , there is nothing else that makes the man better than My inviting or reproachful teaching . Reproach is love and he who flees from this love , flees from the work , which works out the eternal life in him , and for him it is life forever . Amen .
I tell you again and again : give grades to those who are in the school of the making , workers on My behalf over those who establish themselves before you so that you may make them stand before Me and Me before them with the mystery of My life in man . Let My people be real , and this truth will give Me back the heaven and the earth , which the man who got out of the man has been taken from Me for seven ages , sons who share the age that is to be and its life on earth . Let the prayer of the holy people be a spirit of repentance , and let it be a spirit of prophecy and fulfillment , and then let it be the resurrection of the dead and of the life that is to be . Amen .
I look together with you over the people , I look with you from heaven and from the earth and I look with you with My body and spirit over the people of My word . Oh , let the people