The Word of God in Romania 2004.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 4

2004.01.07. word I pass through those who are Our house of coming, and God is hurt in man, mother, for the pains of the new birth of the world are bigger and bigger, and We are hurt in man, and Our pain becomes power in those who bring Us down on earth to be able to keep Us, mother. Amen, amen, amen. The feasts of the birth are pains, pains of birth, but the man on earth does not want pains and he does not want to be born and to see the word, which came into the world, for I am in the world, and I become word and I dwell among you with My glory such as that of the Only One born of the Father, full of grace and truth, children of My coming, and I have also make the Father known to you, Whom no one has ever seen but His Son, the One born of Him, and His Son dwells among you and dines with you and He appears to you for you to believe that I came from the bosom of the Father and I became flesh two thousand years ago, and now I am word, for I have found strong faith on earth, and I could make My coming, and I could make gates for My coming, to be able to come in through the them into the book of today of My coming. Amen. Receive My word from its manger, you who grow through it and let those who are born of him receive it as well, and let the world receive its new birth too, for this Scripture is written to be, and I declare its fulfillment as it is written, for the world was made through Me, but the world did not know Me for I came for those who were Mine and they did not receive Me, and to whoever have received Me, who have believed in Me and in My coming, I have given them the power to become the sons of God. Amen. My people, you, who believe in My coming to you, I want very much to see you suffer- ing after Me, to see this beauty on your face always, always, child of My kingdom with which I give Myself to you when you speak, opening your little mouth to take Me in you from the cup, saying: «Blessed is He Who comes into the name of the Lord! God is the Lord and He has appeared to us». You should say this while seeing Me, and you should see Me in the one who is united with Me, once with you, and to be able to appear to you in the one near you who is united with Me, and to show Me to him, in you after you unite yourself with Me saying: «God is the Lord and He has appeared to us». Amen. The full joy of your union with My pain and that of My mother for the sufferings, which become a spring of the love of God in man, let this be your power and My kingdom in you, New Jerusalem, born of My word from the end of the time. Love is a spring for its pain and pain is the spring for its love and let these both become one to another a spring in your heart for Me in you, child born of My coming as word on earth. Amen. Love the mystery of the church. The church is whole and this is how My church and My body are called, (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) and let My word dwell into your midst, Jerusalem, My mystery from eternity and the one from the end of the time, for I have been teaching you so much and this is how you should appear, for I want to make the man into My image and after My likeness and yours, for this is what I said to My disciples: I in you and you in Me, for the world to know that the Father sent Me and that the Father is in Me and I in Him, and I am with Him into the world. Amen, amen, amen. 25-12-2003 (Old style / after the Julian calendar 3 ) / 07-01-2004 (N.S.) 3 Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 4