The Word of God in Romania 2003.09.22 - The Word of God at the Feast of the R

2003.09.22. The Word of God 1 at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the third day 2 In the third day of My meeting with the man, I, the Lord, the mysterious Shepherd, clothed in word and coming in the wind, seal with the seal of the eternity the celebration for the honor of My mother, and with a sweet word, I release for the way those who have come, and coming they have drunk of the water of the glory of My word, which comes with the clouds and with the wind. On the wings of wind I send My word to its manger, and this is how I come; and when I come, I dine with those who have the power to believe that I am He Who is and I am the word on the earth. Amen. Few of the many, as many as they are on the earth, leave their sins and worries to come and to make a halt at the feast of My wedding from the end of the time. Any love story has a wedding afterwards, but few come at the wedding of the Son of the King, the King being the Father Sabaoth. He calls every one of them, but they do not come. Two thousand years ago I said: «The kingdom of the heavens is like a certain king, who made a marriage feast for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast, but they would not come. Again he sent out other servants, saying: “Tell those who are invited: Come to the marriage feast!” But they made light of it, being caught within the worries of their lives, were not worthy to come and the king called those at the intersections of the highways, both bad and good, and the wedding was filled with guests». (See, Matt. 22:1-10) (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) Oh, children tired with the glory of the days of My wedding with you! No matter how guilty the man was, the love and the humility can dress him within the wedding garment when he answers to the calling he is given. But those who have been called again and again and who have had no time for Me, they will be tied by their hands and feet into the darkness outside and they cannot see in the dark the glory of the One Who invites them to the wedding, and behold, many are called but few chosen, because the man is no longer afraid to spend time in the death and does no longer seek to get up from it, because he does not see it and because it stays mysteriously within the man, for otherwise the man would not stay in it and with it. How- ever, through you, who are My adorned bride, I show to the man the face of death, which wraps him up, and I show him that I will take away the death from the earth and the man will remain with that which he has earned for himself, and then he will see that his life was a lifeless death, for the man comes to an agreement with the sin in himself, and the reward of the sin is death. My teaching separates life from death, and it separates the man from the sin, but he who does not want to give up sin, that one does not see death and does not come when I call him to life and when I call him to the wedding so that he may dine and see afterwards the glory of those who are not seen and who wait after the man for it. My voice calls the man from death to life, from him to Me, but only he is able to save himself, for without his will the man is not good for God and for his life with God. The man is so brainless; he is so much from the earth, and I have had it with the man as two thousand years ago, when after the crowds followed Me, hearing My voice, so many of them backslid into their things afterwards, for the man’s works stick to him as long as the man does not know how to come to Me by his self-denial. The one who is mind- less cannot deny oneself and that is why he does not come after Me to be able to give him life, and to give it abundantly. And here is what I say: all those who are called, all those who are invited to My wedding, and who do not want to come, they are without mind and do not 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A. 1