The Word of God in Romania 2003.06.05 - The Word of God at the feast of the L

2003.06.05. The Word of God 1 at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension 2 I prepare to come in as word in the book. I prepare over you with a feast of ascension, for I, the Lord, in a day like this, two thousand years ago, opening the mind of My disciples to understand the Scriptures about Me, written in the prophets and in the psalms and telling them that I would send the promise of My Father over them, the Holy Spirit, I raised My hands and while I was blessing them, I left them and I ascended to My Father. Amen. I had been working all the fulfilling of My Scriptures about Me, so that through the disciples in My name the repentance for the forgiveness of the sins for all the nations might grow then, starting with Jerusalem. And I have made you like them, My witnesses, for I, the Lord, have spoken so much with you in your time with Me, and we have come to the thing that was prophesied to be, at the proclamation of the kingdom of the heavens on earth with you, so that all the nations may hear about it, starting with you, children of the Ro- manian Jerusalem, and that all may come to repentance, all those to whom the gospel of My kingdom has already come with you to the forgiveness of the sins, sons. Oh, how shall I make the man understand what the forgiveness of the sins means? How shall I do it, My people? The man does not know that it is in vain that he comes to repentance from his sins if he does not stop doing them afterwards, if the man does not sanctify himself for My coming. I call the people to My spring among you to teach them, sons, to tell them what the forgiveness of the sins and the true repentance are. I take many and I bring into the garden of My meeting with the man, and I set you as witnesses of My coming as word on earth and teachers from Me over them, for it is the time of the greatest Scriptures: the coming of the Son of Man. Amen. I have stayed with you in the word for a long time and I have taught you to be beautiful, so that the man may hear how he can be beautiful; and I have taught you to grow less in such a way that the man may hear to whom kingdom of the heavens belongs, and that he may take steps towards it as I have also taken steps to the man with it. Amen. I have you tired of work and tired of worries over the preparation of the feast of the Holy Spirit, for the celebration of the Pentecost over those who will come together at My spoken word, so that the man may come to the spring of My word, small sons. Come together in a counsel of church and work hard with all your devotion and listen to any exhortation of the Holy Spirit into your midst, because I have taught you not to work without a guide, for the guide is your light, and this is how you are to see, small sons. Oh, let My being dwell into your being so that it may be light in you and from you and among you, and then over the multitudes in you. Learn from the parable of the work of the little bees and take a look to see how they bring honey for themselves and for the man. Receive the Holy Spirit, sons, and from all that is Mine over you, receive the Holy Spirit, as the little bees take the honey from the flowers and take it to their little house. This is how you are to gather My kingdom as well and always to gather in it and in its work over the earth. Pick up sons, in it and from everything I give you, and do not let the sweetness of My word on you unpicked, and do not let it be uneaten, children sons. 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A., r.n. 1