The Word of God in Romania 2003.04.27 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 2

2003.04.27 .
and I show them everything I work and I show them their wicked deeds , maybe they will get cleaned from them in order to serve Me and not themselves and not the man who does not know , poor of him , what life and death means , what resurrection of the dead means , what the Lord ’ s coming and the man ’ s hope in all this mean . Is it really for My coming that I prophesied , that it must come the one who must hope in it ? How and who must hope in the resurrection of the dead ? Who else teaches the man about God ’ s love , the holy life and the waiting for the resurrection of the dead and then about My life with the eternal life on earth ?
Oh , you man that go to church because it is Passover , as you have known it from your forefathers ! What do you do for this feast ? And what do you do in it ? And after it passes , what do you do , man , and who teaches you what you must do ? Oh , you man , who have no guidance upon you , when I founded the church on earth , I made it wholly and I did not make it to be consisted only of the priest and of his flock , because without all its gifts it cannot exist . It cannot be without a prophet in it , and you do no longer know anything else but the priest and you do not know him but only after his robe , man without any guidance upon you . I look with longing and pain at My first church , and I look at your forefathers , man of today , for they knew what church meant and they knew what God on earth meant and they went to the prophets and heard from God . Oh , man without any guidance , how comes that your priests who baptize you , who marry you and who bury you , do not advise you and do not teach you about God ’ s love , which cannot be shared with the devil in your life as man ? ( See the selection topic : „ The true church ”, r . n .) How comes that they do not sent you to My spring , which flows of My mouth over the earth in this time to wash the world in this river of life and for the man to be able to give forth life of My life ? ( See the selection topic : „ This word is the river of life ”, r . n .) You go to the church and receive light from the hand of the priest who holds out the lighted candle and tells everybody “ Come and receive light !” and you do not know what light means , man without a teacher on earth . Does the priest tell you that I , the Lord , am the light of the world and its resurrection and yours ? Does he tell you to follow Me in all your life , in such a way that I may bring to you the life of the age that is to be ?
It has come the time for those in the graves to hear the voice of the Son of God and they will be raised from the graves soon , soon , ( See the selection topic : „ The dead hear My voice ”, r . n .) because the dust will become man as it was before being dust , and those in the graves will come to life at My voice of today , who speaks into the midst of the Romanian people . ( See the selection topic : „ Resurrection of the dead ”, r . n .)
Oh , man without guidance , I have mercy on you and I teach you to see and to hear and to believe in My coming after you . I want to draw to the Father the entire human kind , but My adversary , the man of lawlessness stands against Me . But it is only I Who destroy him and I will destroy him with the breath of My mouth , with My voice , which becomes a book on earth , with My heaven of saints that will be turned into a scroll and will stand aside to every man who wants to get healed of his hearing , of his sight and of his speaking , spirit , body and soul , which God gave him , in order that the man may speak according to the truth : “ Christ is risen !” and I with the Father and with the angels to be able to say , filled with tears of the eternal joy : “ The man is risen !” Amen .
Oh , Romanian Jerusalem , I said in the time when I was sounding My trumpet , Verginica , ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic trumpets ”, r . n .) I said this : “ My first church will be built again .” I said and I fulfilled this , for the whole voice of My word by this spring of word of My second coming after two thousand years , is true word , a working word . I did not ask whether do this or not and I did not ask the rulers of the church from the world , but I did it because I , the