The Word of God in Romania 2002.05.06 - The Word of God on the second day of

2002.05.06. The Word of God 1 on the second day of Passover. 2 The feast of the Saint martyr Gheorghe 3 Open for Me, you who stand in the gates! I am the Lord! I come again with a Passover day, crowned with My word which embraces you again with the greeting for My resurrection: Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The Father Sabaoth embraces Me to His bosom and caresses the crucified and resurrected body and tells Me that My abundant caressing is fully coming. My Father caresses My body, wounded by the nails, thorns and whip, and kisses My face slapped by the Jews and by those that crucified Me and tells Me this: ― I caress You, Son, and I comfort You, hurt child, for Your pain is no greater than Mine. I am in You as You are in Me, and Your wounds make Me hurt, but I could not make it otherwise to make the man have mercy on You and come back to Me. As You came back from death to life, so is the man, and so shall the man comfort Us with his coming back, You savior Son, and let him comfort You, as the thief on the cross, comforted You; he, who came back to God seeing Your pain and Your godly wounds for the humans. No one comforted You more when You died for the man. No one was closer to You than him in the time when You were most hurt in the flesh and in the spirit, My dearest son. You were full of compassion for the man and received him to You even if You were nailed to the cross wood, and promised the heaven and gave it to him once with Your resurrection and told him: «Today you will be with Me in Paradise». Oh, how much You worked in the day when You were in the grave! For You went into the dwelling of the dead and made many come to life, for they had been waiting for you. (See Gospel of Nicodemus, part II: The descent into hell, r.n.), And then You went to open the gates of heaven for those who were resurrected to come in, and You found the thief You had mercy on him because of his repentance and because of his comfort he gave You when You were on the cross. After he left his body on the cross, he went to the gate of heaven and was waiting for Your promise there, and when You came with the cross and opened up with it the latches set by You, after the man’s creation and after his fall from Paradise, You came in then with the saved thief and with all those that were resurrected and then You went to Your Father to give Him the fulfilled work and then You were resurrected. I, the Father, embraced You then and cried with pain and joy and I sent You in the flesh and I gave You to stay more with those from the world that loved You, and You stayed for other forty days and You came back home again and told Me all that You did, and We cried again with pain and joy for the work of the man’s salvation. All of Your male disciples and female disciples were unquiet while You were in the grave sealed with a human seal and You were burning with longing for them and got up in Your body from the grave and You came back to Me again to bring to Me the body taken out of the Virgin for blessings, the body which You were crucified with, and I embraced it and blessed it and then You went and got in to the disciples and gave them the peace of the resurrection, savior Son. Since then and until today You have always stayed on earth with the people and the same amount of time You have stayed with Me and with the saints who are in those that are not seen as well. But behold, it is hard for the man on earth to love Us without seeing Us, Son. Oh, what is seen is not eternal, but the man does not want to understand this wisdom and then to come to Us, Who are eternal, grieving Son. God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A., r.n. 3 Saint George (Greek: Γεώργιος Georgios; Latin: Georgius; AD 275–281 to 23 April 303) 1 2 1