The Word of God in Romania 2001.04.16 - The Word of God on the second day aft

2001.04.16 The Word of God 1 on the second day after Passover 2 Let Me be with you through the word today too, children of the New Jerusalem. Let us spend a feast of resurrection to make the saints and the angels rejoice, to rejoice the Father, sons, for the Father is rejoicing greatly over My joy, and My joy is the man, the resurrected man, the son of the resurrection. Amen. The angel of My resurrection is celebrated once with My resurrection. My day of resurrec- tion is also his day, for he has My resurrection to announce and he tells you from near Me: Christ is risen! Oh, children of the Jerusalem from above! You need not forget any moment that you are the sons of resurrection and that you have to live each and every moment together with the saints. And in order to be with them, you need to be like them, like the angels sons, like the sons of the resurrection and not like the people on earth. Those on earth are the sons of this age and those who live like angels are the sons of the age, which is to be. Amen. The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, as I told the Sadducees who do not believe in the resurrection and who believe in this age. But I spoke them about the living ones, who become worthy of this age that is to come, and who do not marry and are not given in mar- riage, but all are like the angels and are God’s sons, being the sons of the resurrection. I taught you how the son of the resurrection is, how the son of God is. And if I taught you, you should be the sons of the resurrection, like the angels, and to be the body of the angels, as I give you many angels for everything that I had to work on the earth with you. Amen. Oh, heavenly sons, the angels hear that I tell you to be the body of the angels, and the angels are preparing towards you, so that you may be like them, and to belong to God as they do. I want to make many angels of the sons of this age too, and to build them again in the mystery of the age to come, and to be a new building, a people without death, as the sons of God are, as it is written into My word of that time: «They, who will be worthy to get that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry and nor are given into marriage, as they can no longer die, for they will be like angels, and are the sons of God, the sons of the resurrection». And then I also said that the dead rise to life and that God is not of the dead but of the living, and that Abraham and Isaac live in God. Behold, it is that age. It was and it is, since the dead rise. When My angel appeared to Moses in the flame of fire, which was coming out of the burn- ing bush without consuming it, Moses marveled that this burning bush was not consuming and said: «I go and see it». And if Moses came near, My angel called him out on his name. And Moses answered: «Here I am, Lord!», and the voice of the burning bush said to Moses: «I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob». Sons, sons, that age is and they live in it, as God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for all that are alive, live in God. Amen. You should live in God every moment, so that you may not die and to be the sons of the resurrection, the sons of God. This is what you should be, and let a seed of resurrection spring up out of you, and let it be taken by the wind, by the wind of 1 2 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A., r.n. 1