The Word of God in Romania 2001.01.01 - The Word of God upon the synod from t | Page 4

2001.01.01 is always thirsty. He drinks and goes thirsty again, for I have the water, not him. Let the man come to Me and drink. And if he does not want to come, let him not come, for it is written: «Let him who is holy be holy still, and let him who is filthy be filthy still», for My coming is like a thief and the one, who has not come to it, does no longer have time to come. Oh, sons of the people, redeem the time for the days are hard. This is how the Scripture teaches you. Open the Scriptures, you, sons of the people, and you will find in them that I come and you will understand why I come. I come for it is written in them that I come after those two thousand years from My ascension to My Father. I ascended to My Father so that I could come again to prepare the place of My coming from near My Father. And I have come and prepared it for Me and I still prepare it and glorify it, so that all the kings may see the land of the dwelling of My coming: the Romanian land. This land soon, soon, will be entirely Mine, and those, who will be on it, will become My saints, a holy and royal nation and a people after My image and into My likeness, for this how it is in the house of My Father. Amen. Oh, children from the manger, I have given you grace and comfort and to those, who have come together to the spring, to drink and to grow. I have also given to the sons of the people to drink, only if they want to drink. Oh, if the Scriptures of the coming of the Son of Man are false, then He will not come. But if they are true, the Son of Man will come, and «every nations of the earth will lament seeing Him with power and much glory», as it is written into the Scriptures. Amen. I have called every man to come towards My coming. I have been calling him for two thousand years. I have been calling the man for seven thousand years. However, I have never called him as I have called him today. I have been calling the one who does not want to come. I have been calling the one who does not hear the whisper of My coming. And when I come, I will no longer call him, and I will tell him to go away instead, as it is written into the Scriptures. Oh, children of My coming, My coming is coming. Build yourselves in the mystery of the new age and be builders and tell everybody who live on the earth that My coming is ap- proaching. One hour and I come and the new age, which is coming with Me, is called the New Jerusalem. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) 01-01-2001 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 4