The Word of God in Romania 2000.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the s | Page 5

2000.11.21 Now peace to you and peace to you all! Let the visible and invisible spend together in the spirit of My peace, and I we will go forward with the word of today, sons in the garden, for I still have a word for the work of today. Amen, amen, amen. * You, sons from the garden of My coming, and you, My small people, I with you and with My angel, made a memorial table and a way to the place of My coming with you. Today I have made a way to us, to those who were and are no longer on earth. I also gave My hand to them, as I gave it to you as well, when I took you into My bosom to work with you the salvation of the human kind. This work, which flows from Me to you has brought with it the time I have been speaking through the Scriptures about, for this is what I said: «The time is coming and has already come when those in the graves will hear the voice of the Son of God and will come out for their resurrection». I with you and with My angel fulfill the way of this Scripture towards those who were and are no longer on earth. Amen. When I gave My voice and the commandments of life to Israel, I said this: «Israel listen to My voice and endeavor to fulfill them, for I, the Lord, your God, am a zealous God, Who pun- ishes the guilt of the parents in children to the third and fourth generation for those who hate Me, and I have mercy to the thousandth generation on those who love Me and keep My com- mandments». Amen. This is what I said to Israel: «Israel, listen to My voice», and this is what I tell Israel today, for the time of the Scriptures has come when those in the graves have also heard My voice and come to obey it; and they come when I call them and they have already come. Amen. Oh, the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens is hardly perceived by those on the earth, but it is the wonderful mystery, which comprises in it those that are faithful to Me. Moses and the prophets have shown this my stery, but he who does not have ears does not hear, and he who does not have a mind does not understand. The soul of the man stays on the earth in the body and the man is careless for the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens. Oh, I have made so many halts on earth through My work with you, sons! Moses heard My voice and saw it being written with fire on the stone in the mountain, and then he brought it to Israel. But with you, I have written My word and brought it to the people so many times, sons, so many times! I have made so many halts with you and with My word of fire into the middle of the world, but the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens does no longer remain written on any heart. Only hardened hearts, only stiffness, only carelessness, and those in the graves have come to cry for the people’s mercy on the earth that do not want to know of the mystery of life and death. Those in the graves cry as the rich man who arrived in hell cried and then he was released to see Abraham and those who were righteous in the bosom of his rest. The rich man, destitute of life, was crying to Abraham asking him to let the happy Lazarus to go on the earth to his brothers and tell them about the torment in the hell, so that even they could take care of their fleshly lives and of his life in hell, for the man receives his life on earth, if he receives it at all. The rich man was crying to Abraham to allow Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and go and cool his tongue, because the flame of the hell was a great anguish, and Abraham was telling him that between them there was a great fixed gulf and no one could cross over. Oh, the man flees the torment on earth; the man flees the pain and sufferance, but it is written: «Those who have suffered in the flesh have ceased from sin», but the man flees from his salvation. Even if someone wakes up from the dead to come and tell what it is in the hell, no even 5