The Word of God in Romania 2000.04.02 - The Word of God on the third Sunday o | Page 3

remember God , and I come as word on the earth ; I come as the Gospel on the earth and he , who will be ashamed with Me and with My word within this hypocrite and lustful people , will be ashamed at My coming for the greatness of My Father with the saints and angels . Amen .
Oh , sons of the people , the mystery of fasting is a heavenly mystery . The work of the feasting is a great mystery , but the people who call themselves “ theologians ” have raised the sin to a mystery rank , and take the fasting from man , and the man always eat and no longer fasts ; he eats with a great appetite and eats to his likeness and makes of his food his joy forgetting that the man died because of food and for it he dies today too . Blessed is the man who eats in this time in obedience of God . Come closer you too , sons of the people , and listen to God , for I have put over those , who are pleased to Me , the fasting for My coming , the food pleased to God for the eternal life of the man , the obedience to the laws of Paradise . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ About fasting and almsgiving ”, r . n .) Come closer and listen , for I , the Lord , have put a fasting on the earth for My coming with glory in the glory of My Father , for I come for His glory , not for My glory . You should also love what I love ; love God ’ s glory and deny your own glory , for your glory passes away like grass , but God ’ s glory is forever . Come and receive wisdom ! Come and find the Lord ! Come and learn ! Amen , amen , amen .
The word of the fast is a great mystery . It means for the man to fast from those for him and to do those of Mine . He , who feeds on bodies , ( Of meat , r . n .) is flesh , and he who feeds on God , that one becomes great in his spirit and grace , overcoming the work of the body . Amen . When I created the man out of the dust , I told him to eat everything , which comes out of the ground , but he did not listen and rather wanted to eat from heaven , and he ate without obeying . That is why I say today : blessed is the man who eats in obedience of God in this time of My coming . Amen , amen , amen .
Oh , sons from the garden of listening , those who call themselves „ theologians ” seek to find you guilty and want to find the likeness to all kind of people who waited or wait for Me , and that are liars , since I did not come . This is what they say about you , but here is what I ask them : you who want to find guilty those that are set by Me for the waiting of My coming , why do you not wait for Me ? Are you afraid that you go wrong waiting for Me ? Why are you not afraid of the reward of your sins that you do again because you do not wait for Me ? The one who waits for Me cleanses himself and stays waiting for Me in cleanness . Is this really that you sin ? Because I do not come ? But who told you that I do not come ? Did I tell you ? Did I tell you in the Gospel that I do not come ? And if I did not tell you that I do not come , but , on the contrary , I told you to watch because I come , then where do you know from that I do not come ? Do you take part in the counsel between the Father and Me so that you may know what I do and if I come or not ? Oh , what name do you speak into to the people about not My coming ? Oh , until when do you lead the man astray from the way of My coming ? Here is how I prepare it for Me , how I pave it with living stone , with hard stones , with heavenly sons between the heaven and the earth ! Oh , until when do you hide the keys of the kingdom of the heavens from the people , My endless life with the man that became a god by My grace ? Here I am with those that have My grace in them , as I was well pleased to work in these days . Do you really believe that I will stay and wait for you that call each other „ theologians ”? Did I really wait for Anna and Caiaphas to prepare the way of My coming ? Did I come through them when I came ? On the contrary , I died through them when I came and then I returned from the dead against their will . Behold , this is what I have also worked today for My second coming for you want Me in heaven , and I come against your will and work as two thousand years ago with those that are not taken into consideration , you who name yourselves great and people of God .