The Word of God in Romania 1997.12.12 - The Word of God six years after the c | Page 2

1997.12.12 And you, anointed sons, come in under My glory, which is protection, enclosure and joy for you. May your comings in and out be blessed, the comings in and out, and work from under My glory to be always clothed and not naked. Teach Israel, teach the sons of My people to be clothed and not naked, as My glory is the garment, which I gave to My people, the one, which prepares My coming. I cannot prepare My coming without a prepared people. I cannot make My coming with a visible glory without a house built of living stones. The house has to be seen and well-built and well adorned, as the heavenly gifts will be to surpass with a visible brightness eve- rything that shines over the people without the power of shining. The brightness, which falls at any breeze of wind, is not brightness, and it is a lie instead, which the people wrote brightness on. Behold the churches of today, which are called so, out of people’s habit. Behold the buildings of today, which are called Christ’s churches, are adorned by the hand of the lying people, as a false life and a living lie, which deceives the face of the eternal and living truth. The church dwellings belong to the people, they do not belong to God, as I, the Lord, cannot bow My head in them. There is only world in them, a world without God, a world which does not come together there for God, but rather gathers together for people, for human glory and not for godly glory. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) Oh, only if the people with a clean heart would wake up, to have power to call the lie, lie! Oh, only if My time with the people on the earth would come! Oh, only if the great day of the Son of God would come; the One, Who the heaven and the earth were made through! Oh, My longing is great, and behold, I made a house on the earth for Myself. My strong hand worked and I have a church after My will, and I have a path to it and with it, I have a way to the earth. I have been waiting for seven thousand years for the tim