The Word of God in Romania 1997.08.07 - The Word of God on the bishops unbeli | Page 2

Pharisees , who do not even wash their body , or their mind , or their heart , and stay this way into My name over the people , and because of them My wrath comes over the sons of disobedience .
The people have no one to listen to . This pain of Mine is great in heaven and on earth . The people have no one to listen to , sons . Spread My word so that the people may know that I am their God and that I speak with them as a God , Who can speak to them , and so that the people may have someone to listen to . The people have no spiritual shepherds . The people have only fleshly shepherds , and they do not help them keep away from the sins , and they do not help them distinguish the good from the evil , and the evil from the good . I came on the earth as the word , to make the people faithful , good and clean by repentance and by holy love , and the people of the church have driven Me away by their unbelief , and their unbelief is coming from the people as the itch is taken from man to man .
Give My word everywhere , not only to the bishops . Give it to the people , sons , as I will help you to be able to do it . Give it to everybody , as the people of the church want to hide from My word ; they want to tell that they do not know about it ; they want to tell that I am not the word which calls out over the earth , and behold , because of them My wrath comes over the people .
Mark this day down , for it is a day of pain , sons . On this day the people of the church have subscribed to their opposition to drive Me away from the heart of those who believe in Me , and who eat from the everlasting life of My word . On this day the people of the church have given up the glory of My word which flows from heaven over My little garden on the earth . On this day of August 7 , 1997 , according to the earthly account , My bishop came to the gate of My word . He did not come alone . He was brought , as he did not want to come and do something unfaithful . He is like the soldier in the army and submits like an honorable soldier , as one who obeys . All the heaven cried with compassion for him . All the heaven was with you , sons from the garden . All the saints , all the prophets , all the angels , all the heavenly powers were with you and for you in the painful moment of the heaven , which is with you . He is the son of suffering and is dishonored and slandered by the bishops , for My name , which became word over this little garden .
Do not grieve , sons . Not so , for I am with you and My bishop is also with you . He did not say anything wrong over you , and he left blessing you and saying : „ Be blessed !” Oh , he was about to hold you all in one embrace ; he would have liked to take you all to his bosom and to leave with you , so that he might not be without you , as this is what he said sometime : „ I can nothing without you ”. And behold , he cannot because he is bound and he cannot do it . When he was with you , his faith , heart , love and his steps were free , but since he was caught into the snare of the unbelievers he could no longer do it . He came because he was brought ; he came because he was forced by the flattering threatening of those who are afraid of you , as the bishops are afraid of you , sons , but not of you , rather they fear Me , and they do not know their fear and where it comes from . My bishop would have liked to take you all in his arms as I did with those that were loved by Me . His spirit is as sweet as Mine . His heart longs after those that are My clean ones , as he is good and clean , and he has the heavenly wisdom in him and works for the salvation of the people .
Here is what the bishop , which sits over the church of the city of Târgovişte , did ! ( The municipality , the residence of the district , which is found in the town of Glodeni – the place of the monastery The Holy Citadel New Jerusalem , r . n .). He brought about My wrath on the earth and the poor people suffered . I tell you , dear sons , so that all who will speak My word may hear ; I tell you that everything , which comes over the people , comes through their interceders . That is