The Word of God in Romania 1997.06.22 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 2

the justice . Let there be a new man , who God may live in , as My saints lived in God , as those who have believed in Me on the earth , have everlasting life in heaven . Amen .
It is a heavenly feast on the earth . It is the feast of the Sunday of all saints . There have passed seven weeks since the feast of My resurrection and until the descending of My Holy Spirit in a heavenly celebration on the earth , and today I am being celebrated by all holy heaven with a celebration of saints , as I celebrate all of My saints , from Abraham , the father of the saints , to Verginica , and to you , little son Israel , little Israel , the child of holy and faithful Abraham , as My disciples are sanctified on the earth .
Oh , Verginica , it is the feast of all the saints , My love . You are in the middle of My heaven of saints , as the saints have been waiting for a long time to be born and to grow and to carry the work of My word from the end , as it was written into the Scriptures that I will become word over the earth . It is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah , about My mother Virgin : « Before she travailed , she brought forth ; before the pain came she was delivered of a man-child », and it is written about you , Verginica : « As soon as she travailed and the daughter of Zion brought forth her children . Shall a land be born in one day ? Shall a nation be brought forth at once ? Who has heard or who has seen such things ?». Verginica , Verginica , it is written about you into the Scriptures that you will give birth to sons of My word . It is written of My word , of My voice through , that you were My temple on the earth , and I spoke from you and I made a people for Me . Who has heard or who has seen such things ? It is written by the prophet Isaiah about My word with you , about My voice through you : « A voice , a tumult from the citadel , a voice from the temple ! It is the voice of the Lord to reward each one according to his own deed . Before she travailed the daughter of Zion brought forth sons ». Oh , this is how it is written in the prophets about My mother Virgin , who gave Me birth as a child on the earth , and about you , who gave Me birth as word on the earth ; a comforting Spirit , the Spirit Who had to come before My visible coming , as I come after you . Amen . You are the sixth trumpet , and I , the Lord , am the seventh trumpet , as it is written into the Scriptures about the angel who says : « Everything has been done !». ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic trumpets ”, r . n .)
Verginica , you are in Me , as the saints are in Me , as I am in the dwelling of the saints . I went to My Father to become a dwelling for My saints , so that where I am they should also be ; they in Me , and I in them . Speak , Verginica , over the people ; speak from Me , as I am in you , and you are in Me . Amen , amen , amen .
− Oh , Lord , oh , Son of the Father and of the mother Virgin , who gave You birth as a child ; and of mine , who gave You birth as word to be with the people until the end , as You have said ! Oh , my Lord and my God , I am Your trumpet , the sixth trumpet , and no one knows to interpret Your Scriptures , that You have always , always , fulfilled Your Scriptures through the people prepared by You , people taken from among the people , as You took Your mother Virgin , as You took me , Lord . I speak from You , good Teacher , so that You may teach the people to understand Your mysteries written in the Scriptures , Lord . On the earth , the man speaks with the man ; the people speak with each other , and in heaven the saint speaks with another saint , and the saints speak with You , the One that is desired , the One loved by the saints on the earth and in heaven . And behold a great mystery is worked out by You , as You speak with the man on the earth , and Your saints work like You , as any perfect disciple will be like his teacher .
The man born of a man does not know what wisdom is , as the sin separated the man from You , Lord , as it separated Adam and Eve from each other , and from You . They were one flesh , and