The Word of God in Romania 1997.01.07 - The Word of God at the Feast of the N

1997.01.07 The Word of God 1 at the Feast of the Nativity 2 (the Lord’s Birth) Oh, Jerusalem, loved child, people of the heaven on the earth! Son, your song is heard into heaven, your carol singing for Me and for you; and the song of the little angels is also heard, son. The little angels sing groups-groups above the manger, which My word is being born into. You celebrate the day of My birth, oh, little garden of the birth of My word, but every day My birth and your birth are being celebrated in you, sweet little garden. Oh, little children, anointed and sweet, who day by day have been celebrating My birth and My life, the one from My birth to My ascension to My Father and until today, well children anointed to be a celebration before Me! Oh, My little children, My anointed ones, I bless you with a spirit of heavenly knowledge; I fill you with wisdom from Me to give wisdom to My people, so that it may know what remembering Me means, My every day remembrance with those that are Mine, from My birth of the Virgin, and from long ago, until My ascension to My Father, and until today, and from everlasting to everlasting with you, sons of My eternity in you and with you, and yours in Me and with Me. Oh, My little children, oh, My comfort, oh, My warm manger! I am the One Who was born in the flesh of the Virgin, and as word from Virginia 3 , My daughter from the end of My mystery on the earth, a hidden mystery in ages, which not even the angels had known about, and which if someone hears about, he can hardly believe and understand it. With how much mystery I and My Father worked when I was born in the flesh of the Virgin! With how much mystery, until the mystery was heard of all the earth! Oh, with how much mystery I have also worked today, as it was written on My second coming, when I was born as word from Virginia! Oh, with how much mystery I have worked until this mystery was heard of by the whole earth, little children of My today’s mystery on the earth! Oh, My people of today, which I hid Myself in, so that I may come into its midst and to become word; it is a mystery, My people of today, as I was and I am a mystery into its midst. Oh, no one on the earth can have your brightness, My little child people, as you are a great mystery, and I am being born in you as the word in the end, as it is written to be in the end. I am with the day of birth; I come with the feast of birth into your book, Verginica, virgin daughter, in which My word was born in the end time of My mystery among the people. I was born in the flesh of My mother Virgin, and as word of you, and I remained as work in the midst of your people which you gave birth of My word in you; for if I was born as word, behold, the One, Who is being born, is, and the One Who gives birth is being born; He is being born and gives birth; He is being born, so that He Word may give birth to sons, and My tribe will be like the stars forever, Verginica, daughter who gives birth to sons. − Oh, You Who were born of the Virgin in a body of a child and of me, spirit of word, You are the seed, Lord, You are the seed of the body and of Your word, for You have sown Yourself, so that You may be born in the flesh and so that You may be born as word, and so that You may be the Son of Man, flesh and word, the Son of the Father and of the mother Virgin and mine, Oh, my Lord, Who was born word of me; You Who sown Yourself in my bosom as spirit and word, Son of God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. Translated by I.A., r.n. 3 Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) 1 2 1