The Word of God in Romania 1995.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C

1995.12.04 The Word of God 1 at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother (Translated by I.A.) It is a holy feast in Israel, and the Lord comes. The Lord comes from His glory, He comes with His glory. Amen. Sons, sons, I come for Israel, as I found celebration in it. I come to keep My people watch- ing. I come to help it stay awake. I come to help it keep vigil and stand in wisdom. Let all the people stay in wisdom, let it stay ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. Peace to you, Israel people! The evil spirit has nowhere to give you from, what I, the Lord, your God, give you. I give you peace; I proclaim peace onto you! This is the key that I open your spirit with, My people, so that I may come into your midst and lay out a supper of word and to eat with you, My people. I came and I told you this: «I do no longer go into the world, and all My richness I give to you». Peace to you, as he, who has this power given by Me, can manage by it; he can manage through bad weather. Oh, it is bad of the man when he cannot go on, but I give it to you, so that you may go on. Peace to you My people! Receive son, so that you may have; receive and be rich in My peace, as it is your power. You should nourish yourself from My peace with faith, love, wisdom, eternal life and with a watching spirit to meet with Me, for I look upon you to see how you stay and wait for Me, My loved people. You should wait for Me, and wait for Me if you know. Do you see what the wise son wants to say? That one, either that he watches or sleeps, is prepared and ready to fire up the lamp and stand for meeting with Me. Amen. Today is a day of welcome. I cele- brate the feast of meeting with Israel, used in the „New Jerusalem”, created in the monastery when My mother Virgin was a little child, Candle workshop and entering into those of My Father, she was welcomed by the servant of the tem- ple, because she was promised to God, and this little child grew up in the Spirit of the Lord and 1 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. 1