The Word of God in Romania 1995.06.11 - The Word of God at the Feast of the H | Page 6

1995.06.11 is looking for something else except for faith in God and holiness in body and spirit, you should keep him far away of this drinking place, which has its spring root in heaven, in God. Behold, I confirm again the word that I said before: My child, you shall not look into the world; do not look son, as that is why you are called „sect”, because of this, as you withdrew from the big circle and stood aside with God and with holiness. Son, no one is Orthodox any longer except Me and you, Israel, the last son of Abraham. I confirm the gift of the Holy Spirit upon you with My prayer to Father and I say: My Father, Father of Israel, I lift up to You My hands pierced by those that denied Me, the One that You sent. I lift up to You this testimony, these hands pierced by nails, and I show Your love and Mine for those that believe in You through Me. My Father, let Us stand up in front of the small people and let Us stand in front of Israel and behind Israel of today, and on its sides, Father, and let Us also stand up and down and in its midst. My Father, keep the small Israel away of the wrath that comes from the man without fear of God. Protect him from the powerful man on the earth, and hurry for Your Son and for Your people, which is Your youngest son, to destroy the mightiness that comes from man. My Father, strengthen Your children of today, as the work of today is great, My Father. I pray for these; I do not pray for the world or for the church of the world, about which it is said that is Mine, and that it is of its mother. Its mother cries in heaven; she cries when she sees the defiled altars and places, sanctified by the life of those saints, who came from earth into heaven. The mother-church cries in heaven when she looks down on the earth and sees the servants of the sin, who establish them- selves as God’s servants. The mother-church is ashamed of those who laid hold of the places, sanctified with blood by the fathers and by a holy life. Oh, My Father, what it is on the earth! Oh, what it is on the earth and in the church of the world, as behold, I had no more room with the small ones of Ours among the bodies of the world, but I wanted them to be distinguished, as it is written into the Scriptures: «I will not sit at the table with the lawless ones». And I made Me a clean table for the little sons, a new and heavenly vine- yard, bread and new wine, as it was the promise proclaimed into the Scriptures for this time. My Father, the man denies You and Me, as We have come on the earth with this work of the word; to call the man to t