The Word of God in Romania 1994.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 8

1994.08.28 of God, and you are the people of God’s word. I prophesy to you about those in the church, about those that took hold of the keys of My kingdom, that the keys will fall down from their hands, as they did not know you, who are with Me, and rather they blasphemed you as a wonderer and as a godless people. I did not work this way, and they do not have a work to resemble God’s. The day to take into account the workers of My vineyard is coming, and I will ask for their fruit, and I will ask for their harvest, fruit and talent, and on that day, they will be empty-handed before Me, and you will be prepared to give My vineyard into your account; however, I will stay with you at the table and serve you as you also stay today in My name before My word. I will fulfill the Scriptures of today with you, people of the Lord, and I will give a sign to the unbeliev- ers, but I tell you that I have already given them, and they did not even look at you, and if they looked, they did not recognize you; who do you belong to, people of the Lord, as I have stayed with you under the bushel until today, but I come out with you, sons, and you will be signs among the nations of the earth. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of man”, r.n.) Oh, people of the New Jerusalem, even the pagans of the nations had prophesied about your coming into the world; (See The prophecies of Sundar Singh about The New Jerusalem, r.n.) that you are born by the Word of the Holy Spirit; you are born by the baptism of the Holy Spirit of My word, which I have shaded you with for forty years. Only those, who stay into My name upon the church, do not want to know you that you came from Me, people of the Lord. When I came incarnated from the Virgin, the Magi of the Gentiles came prophesying to Israel about My birth, the birth of the King of the world. They were forecasters and readers of the heavenly signs, and these prophets of the signs of the times were counselors of the kings of the Gentiles. And I sent My archangel in the image of a star to lead them on their way, and rather the prophets of the Gentiles believed that the heavenly King was born in Bethlehem, but Israel did not believe those who had My archangel as a guide up to My manger. Many prophesied today too about the birth of a holy, clean and righteous people in his faith, and behold, you should know, My loved people, that the pagans will know you more that you are My people, born of My word, and I will no longer tell anything of My mysteries to those that say that are Mine. I do no longer make clear any mystery to those who hid the Scripture of My coming in the clouds, and they will be taken by surprise by the glory which comes with Me and which will catch under it all the human and fleshly haughti- ness. Come to the glory of the heaven, My people. You will not grow pale, but on the contrary, you will turn green and blossom and produce fruit, as I will water you by the heavenly food, by the manna of My word, as the place of My garden where you come together, is called the place of the Word of God, Who is coming on the clouds. I have the clouds for ascension and descent; (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) I am not a weak God. I speak into Romanian because I want it this way, and no one can spoil My plans. I give tongues of the Holy Spirit; I give the Holy Spirit upon the Romanian lan- guage, and the sons and daughters of Romania will prophesy in front of the peoples of the earth, as I chose Romania to be My country. My country crucified Me. The people that I chose at the beginning took Me out of their midst, and since then I have embraced Romania and the land if its country, and then I have worked with My Father and I have given birth to the Romanian people; I gave it birth and worked it out once with Me, and I made it Christian with My name; and I chose Jerusalem and I called it Jerusalem again, like the one that crucified Me. That is why this country is called New Jerusalem, because if I left from the things that were Mine, I took with Me the gifts and the wealth of My heavenly gifts, which were from Me upon Israel and upon the Jerusalem of My Israel; and I laid at the foundation of the Romanian people all My heavenly 8