The Word of God in Romania 1993.11.21 - The Word of God at the Synod of the S

1993.11.21 The Word of God 1 at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel (Translated by I.A.) The blessing of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is pronounced. The new heaven, the new earth and the New Jerusalem, which were worked out and came down from God for carrying God’s throne and tabernacle into the midst of the people, are blessed by word pro- nouncing. Behold, I open My springs so that I may flow to you for you to drink, to drink from the river of life always and to eat from the tree of life, which is watered by the river of life and which grows and yields fruits in the midst of the heavenly Jerusalem. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) Peace to you from the Father! Peace to you, children of My Son in Whom I am well pleased! Peace to you from the Comforter, Whom I sent to the sons of My Son, after My Son accomplished His work upon you, dwelling in you by this Comforter, Which was given to Him by Me, so that He may come with Him to you to give Him to you and to be with you until the end of the ages. I give My peace to you; I let you My peace, sons! As the Son gives it to you, so the Father, so that you may have a conduct from the Holy Spirit in Us; in Me and in My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. If I am without beginning; if I am before all ages, the same is My Son; the same is My Truth, Who is My Son and My Heir Who comes with Me into the inheritance. But the angels created for Our glory, for Our work, could not be but glory until God made the heaven and the earth, all the visible and invisible things, and the man that was taken out of the earth. And behold, the creature made by Us from the earth and to whom We breathed a spirit of life, that creature stirred up disorder into the world of the angels which were made by the word, as all were made by the word; all but the man. All the angelic hosts formed God’s glory obeying the work of the glory. But after We made the man, I said to the man to listen to the pronounced work, so that the word may be obeyed, to be fulfilled. But the word that was delivered upon the man was not fulfilled, Christian. Why Christian, was it not fulfilled? Why the word was violated and how could this happen? The man became conceited, sons. The angels were spirits, and the spirits do not do any work without the body, without having bodies as a dwelling. And if I made the man with a body and if I breathed a spirit of life upon him, and if I rested in him, I rested with all the heaven in him, into the earth that I worked, as after I worked and I finished him, I rested in him; I rested from My work; Mine and My Son’s in a godly Spirit. Be careful, children, take good heed, for today it is a celebration of angels, but I want you to understand well and carefully. Be careful with your spirit and inclined to the perceiving in God, as we have an angelic and heavenly counsel to understand the work of the angels. The chiefs of the hosts of the angels, Michael and Gabriel, bring a feast in the synod over the Jerusalem given to you from heaven that the angels may be working upon you on this day of celebration. 1 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. 1