The Word of God in Romania 1993.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 16

1993.08.28 Well Christian, take care of your child if you say that it is yours; take care to have him and give to him from those of the heaven. Give him as well, and take you too those from the Lord, to have and to be, Christian. You are like gold for God, but you should be, my child. You are God’s treasure, but you should be, and do not wear yourself away, as the Lord will redeem with you all the creature, the one that was and is, and you will be the light from the Lord, and will stay over the darkness and will give light forever. I will also call out and I will gather you again to eat with God and to bring in due time those that still are, but you pull yourself together from the road and come in, watch and pray. You got angry on me, loved people, when I told you to stay into your little house and to work holiness upon you, for there is no more time to get out and to pass through the dead. But I know, and I know why I asked you not to come out, and not even now do you understand how this mystery comes and why I have come to tell it to you. There is only death into the world, Christian. The hands and the work of the world are dirty and filthy, and you are a blessed people with blessed hands. Teach yourself to be a manager over yourself. Learn to be as those from the beginning were, for all the earth will be taken out from under the sole of the antichrist, and you will be settled on a new earth as the Lord promised you. Let it be peace between you and God, and so you should live forever, as the Lord let only peace upon you. Peace to you, children of the heavenly things, which work on the earth! Peace and holy patience! Holy peace upon you, sons! May the steps of your coming back to your things be blessed by the Lord! The heaven brings gratitude to you, and you will feel the good reward because you came to dine with God. May the myrrh of the Holy Spirit flow over you and fill you with the power, which comes from the work of holiness. I give thanks to the Lord and say: Lord, I did as You told me. Amen. − Peace to you Verginica! Peace to you, children of the New Jerusalem! May My holy peace remain upon you! (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) I am; I and My messengers, and he who receive them, receives Me, and he who does not receive them, does not receive Me, and he will be received likewise. As I am received, so the one who receives Me will be received. Peace and New Jerusalem upon you, people of the glory, which comes from Me! Jerusalem, be worthy of your new name, which comes to you from the heavens, as My glory will come with you and the nations will know My blessed people. Amen, amen, I say to you, as the kingdom of God and the glory that comes with it came down to you, and you, Jerusalem, will be the Lord’s people, as I am your God. Amen, amen, amen. 28-08-1993 (15-08-1993 Old style / after the Julian calendar) Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). 16