The Word of God in Romania 1992.12.04 - The Word of God at the feast of the C | Page 8

1992.12.04 if you, Christian, gave birth to a child, and if you gave birth to him without law, if your child, you kindred and your house does not have Me, and if you came and touched this bath of resurrection and then go again and touch blood, that is not fulfillment, this means that you go out from Me again and worship something else, and you touch even with your heart the dead, and death which the dead stay in, and then you wish to come back and touch with God and with God’s place. Oh, My loved shepherd, what are you looking for, son, into the world? Oh, how shall not have sheep without a shepherd? And what else should the sheep do if the shepherd seeks into the world? I look at you and see that you want to be with two flocks; that you are both with Christ’s flock and also with Caiaphas’s flock, and I said this: «Get out of the world, My people!». At least you should get out now because you can, My loved people, My loved shepherd. Get out, son, because I do not want to find you into the world and into its work. Get out from the world and do no longer eat with Annas and Caiaphas as well, for they are My crucifiers from that time and until now. I put you aside by this work from heaven. Get out child, at least now get out, and be good to God and to the law of the holiness. Oh, I also entered the temple but I did not stay stuck to Caia- phas. I entered to fulfill those that are written, but I did not get into their Synedrium. What are you looking for among those from the world? And why do you mix death over the life that you take from Me and