The Word of God in Romania 1960.05.01 - The Word of God

1960.05.01 The Word of God 1 (Translated by I.A.) … Peace to you, My children; peace and quietness. Why are you so downcast, so sad? Why are you crying, My children? I have come down to you this time. Oh, if you see My journey, where I travel! Sons, you wait for Me to come to you but you do not know how I come on earth; you do not know on what path, for I do not have a home, I do not have a table any more to come to you, I do not have a home anymore to come to you, Christians, for the house, which the people made to Me, is full of spiders. Oh, world, world, I do not have any place in you! Oh, My little children, the Lord came into your midst. I have come not in a body but in the Spirit. Hold on to My lap for the enemies came and took My little house and My little coat. Keep in mind, sons, do not take the spirit out of the swaddle of baptism. Do not remove the cross I baptized you with. Oh, My children, My Spirit came so that it may be fulfilled what I said when I was in the body. My flowers, I gave you grace after grace, for I do not have a home on earth. I am full of sores; I do not have even a shadow on earth. My children, the table is set for you and the garment is ready for you. Do not look back, for you will turn into a salty rock. Do not think that you do not have board and house anymore, but look ahead to see God’s coming to you, for Elijah comes after Me, and he is not body but spirit. Leave your burdens down. Arm yourselves with the power of Christ. Straighten the ear to Me. Oh, My roses with thorns on the stalk; for I wanted to break one to smell it, but I hurt My finger. Here the blood is running. I grabbed with the whole hand to break it; I thought that it did not have any thorns. Oh, My flowers, what a big storm is on the earth! (The communism, red. note 2 .) Say, who woke you up and told that the time came near? Sons, the Lord made a house and came down to you on earth; not now, but in a while, not in a day. My flowers, be on watch, so that you may enter it. … My children, the Spirit is speaking. My children, you do not have any thorns on your head, not even a nail on your body, but I am full of nails. Sons, many prophets will be born on earth, but keep in mind at their sowings. Great darkness will come on earth, but you will light the world, My child. Those that I tell you about are not brought now and were written since I was in the body on earth. Know Me, little sheep, for I am into your midst. Know Me for the mercy, know Me after the fruit. My child, the one without the cross is not from God. Everyone who is without a priest is not from God. … My children wake up, for I am not alone. I have taken with Me My friends who accompanied Me when I left. Oh, fleeting flower, oh, you sold yourselves for nothing, My people on earth! Oh, if you see how precious your redemption is! For if I gave you only a nail from My palm, you had nothing to buy it with; only a thorn on My head, you had no money to buy it with. Oh, why do you not redeem the one under the sin? Why? For fear did not seize you? Fear made a covering over you. 1 2 God’s Word in Romania Redactor (editor) note 1