The Word of God about the Glory of God The Word of God about the Glory of God | Page 12

The glory of God
want Me to reign over it and to be its Shepherd , then I went to the Gentiles with My heart , and I said to My apostles : « Go to all the nations , to the ends of the earth , and dedicate the multitudes which will believe in My name ; dedicate them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , and make the people believe that Christ is the Son of God , born of the Father and of the Virgin , by the Holy Spirit , the One from the Father ». And the Romanian people was loved then among the nations of the earth , and My Father gave it to Me to be the people of My returning from the Father . And behold , little and tiny Israel , Father have chosen you out of the Romanians to make Me word upon you , and the word of God to be heard from you to all the margins of the heavens , and then to come visibly , as it is written in the Scriptures .
Israel , Israel , those that are not seen will soon come into view . My invisible glory is coming near , dear son . You are My glory on the earth , and I want everybody to know and the world to see that you are My glory , son , and let this visible news go to all the margins of the heavens , and let all the nations know that you are My son and that you are ready for celebration before My glory which is coming near over the earth . I come to clothe you with glory in My name , and you should learn well the humility of joy and the joy of humility , lest you forget because of your joy that you should do and be My will before Me . You should teach yourself , Israel , to have a humble thought , holy and well pleased to Me . You should teach yourself to think beautifully and to always have a house in your thought for Me , to be able to rest in you , son from Israel . You should be gentle in your heart , My people , for behold , I do not forget to urge you and to renew you again and again by My word , which gives birth to God in the man , so that the man may be from above , from heaven , and to be from God .
Behold , Israel , who love Me , believe in Me and stay clothed within Me and within My glory , son . Become worthy to appear near My glory as I make you My glory before people . I will come down in you with a word of love , peace and forgiveness and I will set you before the people , and the people will hear God ’ s Word , Who comes to you as word . As with My entrance into Jerusalem , we will celebrate on earth and God ’ s Word will come in riding on a white horse ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic white horse 12 ”, r . n .) and will refresh the hearts of the multitudes , and I will give them the gift of the faith and of the holy joy , and I will tell the people : « Rejoice over the glory of God ’ s Word !».
… I give you good news about Me , as the Bridegroom from heaven in you , My wedding country , and this way the nations of the earth will know you ; and they will call you My wedding country , for you are My loved one , and I come into your midst to teach you My love , and to give you the gift of My love ; however , I will be over you with My comfort and I will heal you of wounds , blots , breaches and shame , oh , My wedding country ! ( See the selection topic : „ The Wedding of the Lamb 13 ”, r . n .) And all who have been oppressing you and turning you down
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