The Villager Oct. 2013 | Page 5

The Charbonneau Villager Page 5 October 2013 Summer's Winding Down, but Don't Dispair a very nice pay day. I’m also sure Charbonneau that he will be glad to serve cocktails to all of his fellow club memMen’s Golf bers at a Men’s Night Out next Club spring. Way to go, Jim! DAN WILCOX Our golf season is winding down as we reach October, but we still have a few more play What a wonderful summer we dates ahead of us. The event that had this year in beautiful Char- is most worthy of mention for the bonneau. As all good things are month is our Annual Business said to do, summer has come to Meeting to be held on October 12. an end. We find ourselves in footThe Annual Business Meeting ball season and baseball playoffs is really much less intimidating instead of golf season, but there that its name would indicate, as will still be chances to get out a Free BreAKFAST precedes onto the course. Many of you the business which must be conare getting ready to leave for the ducted. desert as you read this - here’s an A major item of business for early good-bye and wishes for a October is the election of Men’s safe trip and a great winter in the Club Board members for 2014. Southland. For those of us who Our bylaws provide for a ninemust remain here - it could be a man board of directors, each servwhole lot worse! At least we have ing a three-year term. The terms our great community to solace us. are staggered so that three memBefore I get into this month’s bers finish their terms each year. activities, let me say a hearty con- The Board members who will gratulations to Jim Gibbons. Jim complete their terms in 2013 are scored the season’s first Hole-In- Bob Christiansen, Tom Taylor One last month on the long, diffiand Dan Wilcox. The Bylaws cult 6th hole of the Green Course. further require the formation of I understand that he used a 3-wood a nominat ing committee that is for the glorious shot. So far, Jim directed to recommend the elecis the only member to have scored tion of three new board members. an ace this year and is in line for The nominations must be posted & Mike Tewell, Gene & Kathy Harp and Rob & Susan Hatton, Jim & Sue Oberg and Kay & Nolan Gardner, Penny & Alan Kirk and Bob & Joyce Bowden, Randy & Jo McMichael and Bob & Diane Cole and Bubba & Liz Heard and Judy & Dan Wilcox - 49. Another great event from September was the Patriot’s Day Tournament. In this unique event, each player carries a flag to be placed at the position reached in a calculated number of strokes. The number is the player’s handicap plus the course par of 62. For example, if a player had a handicap of 15, he would stop after his 77th stroke. The prizes are awarded to the players who can continue the farthest under this format. The winning men were: (1st) Bob Cole; (2nd) Don Mason; (3rd) Don Larson; (4th) Bill King; (5th) Ron Leeper and (6th) Bill Johnson. At the close of play, the first place finisher was on the 21st hole, and each of the other named winners were on the 20th hole. Congratulations to all of them. in the Clubhouse and Pro Shop at least 10 days prior to the annual meeting. Any five members may also nominate candidates for the Board by posting the names of such candidates over their signatures in Clubhouse and Pro Shop premises at least five days prior to the annual meeting. There will be a written ballot distributed to the membership at the business meeting on October 12. After the free breakfast, election and other business, we will get down to the fun part of the day - a four man scramble. The teams will be paired by the Pro Shop. We have a few winners to congratulate for their play in September events. First, the Labor Day Couples event (all of the winners were awarded on net scores): (1st) Don & Rose Mason and Kathie & Denny Barton - 46; (2nd) Rick & Joanna Sawyer and Ron & Diane Reiter - 47; (3rd - Tie) Susie & Tom Taylor and Jackie & Denny Atkin and Jim & Kathie Gibbons and their absent partners Randy & Ardess Christensen - 48; and (5th - Tie) Ken & Jane Teunon and Pat HAPPY Having More Retirement You’re Retired. Accounts Is Not The Same Your Money Isn’t. You’reyour traditionalYou’re Retired. Asmay haveYou’reRetired. Retired You’re Retired. You Having More Money. given up job, Your Money Isn’t. Isn’t. NEWMoneyYour Money Is Your Money Isn’t. Your YEAR! but your retirement money still needs to work. You’re Retired. You’re Retired. Isn’t. You’re Retired. Your Money Your Money Isn’t. Isn’t. 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