The Villager Feb. 2014 | Page 25

The Charbonneau Villager CCC Activities Charbonneau Event Coordinator Kim Hosford Clubhouse Renovation Scheduled Please keep in mind, there will be no activities held at the Clubhouse from January 14 through February 28. Board Director Kathy Fuller has scheduled some Clubhouse renovations, new carpeting and new draperies, to take place during this time. Many of the activities will be held offsite, so please contact Kim Hosford in the CCC office for location information. Here is a listing of some of the off-site activities and their locations: Aerobics classes will be held at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Zumba classes will be held at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Yoga will be held at SpringRidge in the Burgandy room, Mah Jongg will meet at Poohouse #4, Men’s Cards will meet at C-Rec Hall on Lafayette Way and Friday Night Bridge will be held at SpringRidge. Red Cross Blood Drive a Success The Red Cross would like to thank those who volunteered to donate blood on December 26. The goal of our blood drive was 37 units and, of the 45 potential blood donors, 36 pints of blood were collected. Because of your efforts, there were people who were able to have surgery, survive a serious accident and lengthen their life span. The next Charbonneau blood drive is scheduled for May 30. Fourth Friday at 5 pm Social Event The weather may be cold and dreary, but you can still get out and socialize with your neighbors by attending “Fourth Friday at Five,” an informal social hour at the Country Club. It will be held on February 28 from 5 - 7 pm, and complimentary hors d’oeuvres will be provided for Charbonneau residents. Be sure to bring your favorite beverage (BYOB) to enjoy. This will be the first CCC event in our newly-renovated Clubhouse. You must RSVP to Kim in the CCC office by February 21 Page 25 February 2014 for this event, as space is limited to the first 150. Tai Chi and Qigong Class Welcome your day with the gentle exercise of Tai Chi. Work on improving your health, energy and balance. Begin the time with gentle Qigong warm-ups, and then learn the Yang 24 Tai Chi form. Join other seekers of health and vitality in cultivating and enriching your wellness. Tai Chi Ch’uan is the slowest and gentlest of the Martial Arts (Wu Shu). The practice of Tai Chi combines movement, meditation and deep breathing. Tai Chi is the moving of our Qi or energy. Tai Chi is a low-impact form of exercise. Qi is the life force or vital energy that flows through our bodies. Gong means skill or exercise cultivated through practice. Qigong is the practice of cultivating energy for health maintenance, healing and the increasing of vitality. When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 11 - April 3 from 9 - 10 am. Location: Charbonneau Country Clubhouse. Cost: $42 (for 14 classes). Instructor: Chuck Smith, retired West Linn-Wilsonville School District teacher, wrestling and football coach and seeker of health and vitality through exercise. Health Benefits of practicing Qigong and Tai Chi: Increase calmness and awareness -