The View 38002 May 2017 | Page 6

Page 6 theview . com May 2017


What Is Holding You Back ?
By David B . Peel
People who have been to my office often comment on the photography that I have done in my travels to every inhabited continent . I have been doing mission trips to various countries for years , and also have traveled strictly for pleasure and learning .
I am always struck by the reactions because they fall into one of three fairly concise groups .
Group 1 : says “ yes , I ' ve been there too and wasn ' t it beautiful ? I hope to go back and I ' m also looking forward to going to New Zealand this summer .”
Group 2 : these folks say , “ I never cared much for traveling . Kind of a homebody , like to stay around the house , tend my garden and take care of the horses .”
Group 3 : these folks seem genuinely fascinated by travel , and the idea of it , but immediately are fearful . “ Weren ' t you afraid on these trips ?” or “ With all the things going on in the world I just don ' t like to travel or fly .”
The first two groups seem pretty happy with their station in life .
But , group 3 seems to want the experience of traveling but is just suffering from a paralyzing
fear . It is not necessarily a fear that the plane is going to crash specifically or that they ' re going to be kidnapped by some rogue militia group . It is just kind of a generalized anxiety that I think our 24-hour news cycle seems to feed into . Something could happen .
Statistically , you ' re probably in more danger in Memphis , and certainly in Chicago or Baltimore then you are in Bogotá , Columbia or Cairo , Egypt .
Things can go wrong , and things can certainly happen . But sometimes it ' s a good idea to do the thing which makes you the most afraid . Life is often waiting on the other side .
Shelby County Chambers Alliance Hosts Gathering with Shelby County Legislative Delegation
Special to THE VIEW 38002
Photo : ( Left to right ) Rep . Larry Miller ; Roy Smith , executive director of GMMDC ; Rep . Ron Lollar ; Rep Karen Camper ; Cameron Ross , economic and community development director for City of Germantown ; Tonia Howell , director of Arlington Chamber of Commerce ; Dianne Baker , president of Millington Chamber of Commerce ; Senator Sarah Kyle ; Senator Mark Norris , Reid Dulberger , president of EDGE ; John Threadgill , president of Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce , Kanette Keough-Rodgers , president and CEO of Collierville Area Chamber of Commerce ; Will Lowes , director of business development – physician ’ s network for Saint Francis Hospital-Bartlett . Submitted photo /
The Shelby County Chambers Alliance hosted an appreciation and informational luncheon in Nashville on Wednesday , March 29 , for the Shelby County Legislative Delegation .
“ It was an honor for the Alliance to host this event for the Delegation ,” says Tonia Howell , director of Arlington Chamber of Commerce and facilitator of the event .
“ It gave us a chance to express our appreciation for their [ Delegation ] leadership and diligent work within our County . It was also an opportunity to introduce our Chambers and their individual efforts . The strength of the Alliance lies in showcasing our common goals and needs , and I believe this trip to Nashville was a great starting point in that discussion with our lawmakers ,” says Howell .
The Alliance is made up of a group of six area Chambers including : Arlington Chamber of Commerce , Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce , Collierville Area Chamber of Commerce , Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce ,
Millington Chamber of Commerce and Lakeland Chamber of Commerce .
“ I think we were able to pleasantly surprise our legislators on a few facts about Memphis ’ outlying communities ,” says John Threadgill , president of the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce . “ The point of the Alliance is to see the big picture , get the word out about our abundant resources and plan accordingly for smart growth . Most people don ’ t know that Bartlett is the tenth largest city in the State of Tennessee . It is also number two just behind Franklin for household incomes . Our suburban communities are strong and have enormous potential for growth .”
The Shelby County Chamber Alliance serves as an advisory body for each participating chamber of commerce on legislative and policy issues that affect the business community along the TN 385 / I-269 Corridor of Shelby County . Members are comprised of business people concerned with the impact that legislation and bureaucracy have on the general business climate as well as specific industries . The Alliance is concerned with infrastructure needs including roads , communications , utilities , water , rail and air transport and other issues that directly impact the efficiency of doing business in a competitive environment .
According to Representative Ron Lollar , chairman of Shelby County Legislation Delegation , “ It was a productive and exciting day to have the suburban communities here together for the first time in history . The 385 Corridor is the future of Shelby County ’ s economic growth . Planned properly , there are ample resources to sustain the area for more than 100 years into the future .”
The Shelby County Alliance strives to keep its members , local businesses and prospective new businesses informed on important local issues . The Alliance promotes economic development , tourism and community development . It represents more than 2,400 businesses throughout the Shelby County area .