The Victoria Napolitano Bookstore LUXURY DESSERTS & CAKES | Page 27

P lanning an event is a big job. No matter what type of event it is, you will find that there is a lot of different things that you have to make sure get done. You need to be focused and ready to take on this type of challenge when it comes to planning an event. If you are not able to handle it all yourself, you will want to think about hiring an event planner to make it a little bit easier. There are a few different key factors that are important when you are trying to find a successful event planner. You need to think about the person that you are hiring and what they can do for you. You have to learn to pick and choose your event planner wisely so that you are not finding yourself in a bad situation later on. one help you with your special event that you can trust and get to know. They will want to be make your event the best that it can be and give you all that you are looking for and maybe even a little bit more. You will be surprised at the amount of help you can get from your wedding planner when you chose them well. Ask them important questions that you are going to need to know. You want to make the most of this time and get to know them very well. 5. The person that you are hiring to take care of your event will have to know the financial part of the business. They will have to be willing to make sure that they take care of all the business transaction s that have to be dealt with so that you can get the event rolling on the right budget. They will have to be aware of the process and that they have to stay within the budget to 1. You will want to make sure that you are get- keep on track. ting a highly successful event planner to take care of your next event. You need to make sure 6. Get the references that you need to make that you are finding someone that is ready to a good decision about the event planner that take on a challenge and do the best job that she you need. You want to make sure that you have can for you. You want them to be devoted and someone that is going to have former clients able to help you though anything that is thrown that are happy with their work. You want to contact these people and find out what they like your way. and disliked about the event planner. This will 2. You want a professional. You want to have help you make a better decision as to who is the someone help you with your next event that right person for the job. has the extensive training that is necessary to make the most of the event. You need to have 7. You will also need to make sure that the someone that you can count on that has the event planner is able to get word of your speexperience that you need to make this the best cial event out there. You want them to be able ever. You can make the event highly successful to get the advertising part of the business out and very professional when you have help that there for everyone to know about. You want to get as many people to your event that you can. matches your needs. This will mean a lot of hard work and effort to 3. Getting a professional event planner that go into the great event that you have been planpays attention to detail is very key. This is one ning and waiting for. of the most important key factors in making an event a great success. You will want to have the 8. Price. This is one of the most important person helping you very interested in making things that you need to consider before you hire you happy. You need them to be very efficient an event planner. You want to make sure that you are getting someone that you can afford to and willing to do what you need them to. do the job. You want to get an event planner 4. You will want to interview your event plan- that is going to be in your budget and also be ner to make sure they are the person that you very good. You do not want to pay for somefeel comfortable with. You want to have some- one that you do not think will get the job done. However you also want to make sure that you O D 27